Study Guide


Curricula starting in 2022 and earlier

Technology, Kuopio
Technology, Varkaus
Design, Kuopio
Business, Kuopio
Music and Dance, Kuopio
Tourism and Hospitality
Social Services and Health Care, Kuopio
Social Services and Health Care, Iisalmi
Natural resources, Iisalmi
Multidisciplinary Studies

Savonia's new Study Guide (curriculum starting in 2023 and after) can be found here.

Basis of Education Competence Standards Structure of Studies Development of Expertise Methods and implementation Course Table

LI21SP Bachelor Degree Programme in International Business

Methods and implementation

Savonia provides education which is guided by OIS-thinking. The objective is to combine high-quality learning and teaching with the working life oriented research and development assignments. The student is an active doer and he or she studies in different teams where students come from various fields of studies and where representatives of local business also take part. Most of the assignments are developed in co-operation with working life.

Close networking with local businesses guarantees that the curriculum is up-to-date and that the learning outcomes benefit both the student's career development as well as the local businesses. In addition, the studies are based on the principles of accessibility and sustainable development.


We reserve the right to make changes to the curriculum due to the need to update the content being studied.