Study Guide


Curricula starting in 2022 and earlier

Technology, Kuopio
Technology, Varkaus
Design, Kuopio
Business, Kuopio
Music and Dance, Kuopio
Tourism and Hospitality
Social Services and Health Care, Kuopio
Social Services and Health Care, Iisalmi
Natural resources, Iisalmi
Multidisciplinary Studies

Savonia's new Study Guide (curriculum starting in 2023 and after) can be found here.

Basis of Education Competence Standards Structure of Studies Development of Expertise Methods and implementation Course Table

Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science

This curriculum is a translation of the curriculum of the Finnish degree program.

Methods and implementation

Implementation of education

Education at Savonia is guided by OIS. This way of thinking combines high-quality learning and instruction, as well as research and development activities based on the needs of working life. OIS is short for Open Innovation Space. The student is an active player, and he or she works in various premises, groups, communities and online learning environments. Students from different fields, teachers, those in charge of research and development tasks and working life representatives all carry out different tasks arising from the professional practice. This way, studying combines both theory and practice.
The working life orientation of education at Savonia is implemented through the diverse networking of teachers. The networks also ensure the continuous development of substantive expertise. The staff creates learning situations and supports the student’s learning process. The Student Affairs Office, the Library and Information Services, the International Office and other support services are there to help. Education complies with the principles of accessibility and sustainable development.

The curriculum of the degree programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science is divided into flexible modules. The flexibility of the studies is ensured by the virtual studies, the use of social media as a learning tool and the use of alternative means of demonstrating competence. Recognition and accreditation of previously acquired competences is part of this process. In order to demonstrate previously acquired competences, the student shall prove to have competence referred to in the course objectives. Personalisation of studies (individual study plan, ISP) and development of competence are supported by the teacher tutor.

Here are some examples of flexible practices related to the degree studies:
- students complete study-related learning exercises in working life contacts
- online learning tools and social media tools are used in studying (Savonia’s electronic ISP, Adobe Connect Pro, Moodle, Google docs, Google sites etc.)
- students’ previously acquired competences are recognised with the help of surveys of competence
- the student can prove his or her previously acquired competences e.g. through a demonstration of competence in working life or at an educational institution
- the student completes some of his or her studies by participating in projects.

In the degree programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science, learning is based on the instruction and studying strategy of Savonia University of Applied Sciences. In this strategy, the learning outlook emphasises the development of the student’s professional expertise and supporting it with instruction and supervision. The student is a self-directive individual who assumes responsibility for his or her professional growth and development. As the student assumes responsibility for his or her studying, the teacher’s task is to support and follow the student’s learning, competence, development and learning process with supervision. Learning is a process where the learner changes his or her earlier thinking and concept systems in interaction with others. Education emphasises the student’s independent study, which is supported by direct contact teaching and learning.

Internationalisation is part of the studies. Students can learn about internationality and acquire cultural competences abroad through various exchange programmes, and at Savonia together with international students. (see WellPro study module). During the studies, the student shall earn at least 5 ECTS credits from instruction given in a foreign language (other than language studies). The student may improve his or her cultural skills by tutoring international exchange students and acting e.g. in immigrant communities.

Instruction is based on the working life skills of today and tomorrow. Working life representatives participate in the curriculum work and its development. Essential factors for the acquirement of working life skills include practice in working life, theses commissioned by working life and various cooperation projects.

Evaluation complies with the Degree Regulations of Savonia University of Applied Sciences. Evaluation serves the purpose of steering and adjusting the objectives set for the studies. The evaluation criteria are based on the objectives of the course, and the student is informed of these criteria at the beginning of each course. The student also has the right to be informed of the application of the evaluation criteria to his or her study performance.


We reserve the right to make changes to the curriculum due to the need to update the content being studied.