
Vuonna 2022 alkavat ja sitä aiemmat koulutukset

Kulttuuriala, Muotoilu
Kulttuuriala, Musiikki ja Tanssi
Matkailu- ja ravitsemisala
Sosiaali- ja terveysala, Iisalmi
Sosiaali- ja terveysala, Kuopio
Tekniikan ala, Kuopio
Tekniikan ala, Varkaus
Liiketalouden ala, Kuopio
Savonian monialaiset opinnot
Savonian valintakurssit

Savonian uuden opinto-oppaan (2023 ja tämän jälkeen alkavat koulutukset) löydät täältä.

Basis of Education Competence Standards Structure of Studies Development of Expertise Methods and implementation Course Table

TNE21SP Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing

Course Description

NameInternship: Medical Nursing practice
Credits10 cr
Credits in Foreign Language10 cr
ObjectivesThe student is able to
- work in compliance with the ethical guidelines, values and principles of nursing care
-consider the questions of responsibility in nursing internal medicine and cancer patients at different stages of the disease, and when encountering terminally ill or dying patients and their friends and family members
-use evidence based practice in his or her work
-identify the symptoms of internal medicine and cancer patients, make an accurate assessment and select appropriate nursing interventions
-plan, implement, assess and document treatment in cooperation with the patient and family members
-safely administer medication and fluids and carry out a blood transfusion for an internal medicine patient. He or she also masters drug calculations.
-learn to address the lifestyle change and to support health promotion applying the resource-oriented approach
-learn to work in a multi-professional co-operation
-master ergonomically and aseptically correct ways of working
-assess and develop his or her skills in nursing internal medicine patients
-master intravenous cannulation
Content Nursing internal medicine patients, resource-oriented health promotion guidance, intravenous cannulation
RequirementsInternship in different environments of medical patients Participation in simulations(100%), seminars(100%) and workshops(100%). Assignments, separately agreed upon.
Grading ScalePassed - 0
Course materialTo be announced at the beginning of the course.
Janice L. Hinkle, Kerry H. Cheever. 2013. Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. 13th ed. Lippincot’s. Available on-line book.
-Current Care Guidelines (Käypä hoito) http://www.kaypahoito.fi/web/english/home
-Material in Moodle
PrerequisitesNursing Assessment and Nursing Interventions, Internship: Nursing Assessment and Interventions practice must be completed. Basics of Pharmacological Treatment and at least one set of drug calculations must be acceptably completed. Medical Nursing must be completed, in either full or an adequate part of it, according to the implementation plan.
Other considerations Possible travel and/or housing expenses
ContactMäkeläinen Tiina

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