Opiskelijoita kahvip�yd�ss�.

LI21SP Bachelor Degree Programme in International Business

Curriculum responsibility: Irene Hyrkstedt

Basis of Education

The Degree Programme in International Business is a 3.5-year, 210 cr programme which leads to a BBA degree. The skills and expertise gained through this programme are in compliance with the requirements of the EU in view of the level of higher education enabling free movement of labour and experts.

The BBA Degree Programme at Savonia UAS aims at developing global business experts. BBA graduates are prepared to face continuous change in the global business field and are sensitive to the requirements set by international partners. Savonia BBAs are especially skilled in the internationalisation process and therefore they are an asset for example to small and medium-sized companies going global. Savonia BBAs operate fluently in multicultural teams and are able to guide their team towards objectives. They work in import-export, international sales and customer care, logistics and other international activities.

Competence Standards

The qualification of a Bachelor of Business Administration is at the European and Finnish level 6. (The national framework of qualifications and other learning).

The professional profile of a Bachelor of Business Administration consists of generic and specific competences.

Structure of Studies

The studies for a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration comprise 210 credits. According to the curriculum one academic year corresponds to 60 credits, which is equivalent to 1600 hours of a student’s work load. The studies consist, among others, of lessons in class, distance learning and independent studies as well as web-based learning and internship. The studies include working life oriented research and development activities.

Development of Expertise

The Bachelor of Business Administration curriculum has been planned so that the degree programme provides the student with the knowledge, skills and competence required in the working life and the studies ensure the development of the student’s professional expertise.

Each student starts planning his/her career path already during the first study year as he/she drafts an individual study plan. This way the student takes responsibility for the progress of his/her studies. Savonia’s teachers and other personnel guide and support the student in defining and achieving the personal goals in the study plan.

The BBA Degree Programme in International Business at Savonia UAS aims at developing focused expertise in foreign trade. To reach this goal, the curriculum is designed to encourage students to develop knowledge gradually, along their study path, from the wide scope of business to the focused knowledge of trade expertise.

Each year has two assigned themes. During the first term of studies the students will cover issues concerning planning and starting a business. This is done by working in cooperation with a partner organisation from the surrounding environment. The students will form teams around SMEs in cooperation with Savonia, and start getting to know the various phases needed for establishing a business.

The second term continues to operating a successful business. The students gain a profound insight into the successful implementation of daily operations of the partner organisation. They will go through team building phases and become familiar with multicultural working teams and methods. The students are also expected to apply business knowledge to practice within the partner organisation and to be able to share their understanding to fellow students. At the end of the year, the students will have a comprehensive understanding of the everyday business operations as a foundation to develop their international trade expertise.

During the second year studies the students will focus on the essential internationalisation skills. First, the students will learn how to use the tools, such as business research, and will understand the functions of international economics. Second, the students will put these skills and understanding into use, again together with local organisations, within the theme of preparing for internationalisation. A real life business internationalisation project dominates the term, supported by studies in business analysis and communication.

The third-year students will focus on adapting business operations to international environment, and on the challenges organisations face due to differences in conducting business. As skills and understanding grow, the students perceive the evaluation and development of international business professionally. By this stage the students' management and leadership skills will grow to meet the demands of international trade expertise.

Methods and implementation

Savonia provides education which is guided by OIS-thinking. The objective is to combine high-quality learning and teaching with the working life oriented research and development assignments. The student is an active doer and he or she studies in different teams where students come from various fields of studies and where representatives of local business also take part. Most of the assignments are developed in co-operation with working life.

Close networking with local businesses guarantees that the curriculum is up-to-date and that the learning outcomes benefit both the student's career development as well as the local businesses. In addition, the studies are based on the principles of accessibility and sustainable development.

Course Table

Code Name 1 S 1 K 2 S 2 K 3 S 3 K 4 S 4 K
Orientation Studies
Essential Business Skills
Planning and Starting a Business 30              
4 LIP1000 Entrepreneurship 5              
4 LIA5340 Financial Accounting 5              
4 LIA8130 Business IT 5              
4 LIP1300 Business English 5              
4 LIF5235 Multicultural Environment 5              
4 LLXR100 Business Swedish (for Finnish Students) 5              
4 LICO350 Survival Finnish (for International Students) 5              
Operating a Successful Business   30            
4 LIP2000 Effective Marketing   5            
4 LIA5132 Management Accounting   5            
4 LIP2200 Economics   5            
4 LIA6150 Business Mathematics   5            
4 LIP2400 Project Planning   5            
4 LIF9300 Sales Skills   5            
Professional Studies
Essentials of Internationalisation
Tools for Global Business     20          
4 LIA1000 International Economics     5          
4 LIB5225 Business Environment     5          
4 LIA1300 Business Communication     5          
4 LIA3100 International Marketing     5          
Preparing for Internationalisation       20        
4 LIA2200 Professional Reporting       5        
4 LIA2000 Financial Management       5        
4 LIA0100 Business Project 1       5        
4 LIA3300 Business Legislation       5        
Managing Internationalisation
Operating Globally         20      
4 LIF5117 Supply Chain Management         5      
4 LIX3100 Internationalisation Process         5      
4 LIA0200 Business Project 2         5      
4 LIA1100 Business Research         5      
Developing International Business           15    
4 LIX4100 Export Processes           5    
4 LIA4100 Strategic Management           5    
4 LIA4200 Human Resources           5    
Elective Studies
Alternative Studies
International Sales
4 LIX1000 Sales Process and Tools     5          
4 LIX2000 International Sales Management       5        
4 LIX3000 Storytelling and Content Marketing         5      
Wellness Business
4 LIX4000 Wellness - Setting the Scenes     5          
4 LIX5000 Service Concepts in Wellness       5        
4 LIX6000 Wellness Technology         5      
Design Business
4 LIX7000 Service Design Thinking     5          
4 LIX8000 Sustainable Fashion     5          
4 LIX9000 Creative Leadership       5        
4 LIX1100 User Experience Design         5      
Other Alternative Studies
4 LIF8140 Targeted Internship     5          
4 LIA5360 Advanced Finance           5    
4 LIF8130 eBusiness           5    
4 LIF8135 Business Intelligence         5      
4 LIF5300 Strategic Branding and Marketing Communication         5      
4 LIF5250 Digital Marketing Communication Project       5        
4 LIG9130 Internship 1   6            
4 LIG9140 Internship 2   6            
4 LIG9150 Internship 3           6    
4 LIG9160 Internship 4           6    
4 LIG9170 Internship 5           6    
Final Thesis
4 SAVTHE1 Thesis         15      
   5 LIONT10 Thesis Planning         5      
   5 LIONT20 Thesis Implementation           5    
   5 LIONT30 Thesis Finalisation             5  
   5 LIONT40 Maturity Test             0  
4 SAVTHE2 Thesis         15      
   5 LIONT50 Thesis Project 1         5      
   5 LIONT60 Thesis Project 2           5    
   5 LIONT70 Finalising the Thesis Projects             5  
   5 LIONT80 Maturity Test             0  


4 LIP1000 Entrepreneurship

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student forms a basic understanding of business and its role in the society: the meaning of entrepreneurship and the key characteristics of an entrepreneur. The student also understands the importance of a business plan and is familiar with its structure. The student is aware of the common business functions and their importance for business success. The student becomes oriented into the three alternative focus areas of specialisation during the second and third year of his/her studies.
Business and the society, business functions, entrepreneurship and business plan, forms of business. Orientation to focus areas of specialisation.
Examination, assignments, group work.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
curricula 2017-2019: Mariotti, S. & Glackin, C. 2010. Entrepreneurship. 2nd edition or newer. Prentice Hall. curricula 2020 and later: Nickels, B., McHugh, J. & McHugh, S. 2019. Understanding Business. 12th edition. McGrawHill.
Hannoura Abdelazim

4 LIA5340 Financial Accounting

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student can analyse and record typical business transactions and is able to close the entries to the income statement and balance sheet. In addition, the student understands the basis for value added tax and is able to define how VAT affects financial statements. The student is able to evaluate a company's financial situation based on the most common ratios.
Accounts and financial statements, basis of value added taxation, basic financial ratios in profitability, liquidity and solvency.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Weygandt, Jerry J., Kieso, Donald E. & Kimmel, Paul D. Accounting Principles VOL I. New York: John Wiley.

4 LIA8130 Business IT

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student learns how to use computers and basic software. After completing this course the student is able to create and modify text documents, create business calculations with spreadsheet and create a slide show with presentation graphics program.
Formatting text documents according to document models. Creating and modifying long documents with styles, page numbering and a table of contents. Using spreadsheet formulas and basic functions in business calculations. Designing presentations and modifying themes of a presentation graphics program.
CDL-exams Word processing, Spreadsheet and Presentation Graphics
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Ornanet e-book collection. Related Office tutorials.
Suomela Leo

4 LIP1300 Business English

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student acquires a good command of business vocabulary and an ability to understand professional business texts. The student develops his or her oral and written communication skills in business and social life so that he or she is able to present himself or herself in a professional manner.
Extensive business vocabulary: terms and concepts of the specialised language in the field-specific contexts. Standard written business messages. Introduction to academic writing. Telephoning, job interviews and other oral communication situations.
Final examination, written and oral tests and assignments.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
MacKenzie, I. 2010. English for Business Studies. 3rd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Other material provided by the lecturer.
Niskanen Terttu

4 LIF5235 Multicultural Environment

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student will increase his or her intercultural awareness and understanding of cultural diversity and the impact of culture on human behaviour and interaction.
The concept of culture, intercultural learning, values, perception, communication, stereotyping, culture shock, concept of time.
An assessed journal and assignments based on the lectures, exercises and reading material.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Lewis, Richard D. 2006. When Cultures Collide. Leading Across Cultures. 3rd edition. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

Other material provided by the teacher.

4 LLXR100 Svenska på företaget (for Finnish Students)

5 op
Opiskelija osaa kertoa itsestään ja esitellä omaa ammatillista profiiliaan. Opiskelija selviytyy työelämän tyypillisimmissä viestintätilanteissa ruotsin kielellä, hallitsee liiketalouden alan keskeisimmän sanaston sekä kykenee viestimään vuorovaikutustilanteeseen sopivalla tavalla. Opiskelija osaa tuottaa tavallisimpia työelämän dokumentteja sekä esitellä yritystä tai organisaatiota ja sen palveluja, tuotteita ja toimintaa. Opiskelija osaa hyödyntää talouselämän julkaisujen ja muiden tietolähteiden tarjontaa.
Keskeiset sisällöt
Koulutukseen ja työhön liittyvä sanasto sekä liiketalouden alan perussanasto kirjallisissa (mm. työnhaun asiakirjat, sähköpostiviestintä, liikekirje) ja suullisissa viestintätilanteissa (mm. puhelinkieli, tuote-esittely, yritysesittely, asiakaspalvelutilanteet).
Oppimistehtävät, suulliset ja kirjalliset testit.
0 - 5
HANSKA-AARE, Sari, KERÄNEN, Marit, LEHTOVIITA, Kirsi & PIRTTILÄ, Mia. 2014. Gå med vinst! Affärssvenska för högskolor. Edita Publishing Oy.
Muuta huomioitavaa
Suorittamalla tutkinto-ohjelmansa ruotsin kielen pakollisen opintojakson (liiketalouden alalla Svenska på företaget) hyväksytysti opiskelija osoittaa hallitsevansa valtion virkamiehiltä vaadittavan suullisen ja kirjallisen ruotsin kielen taidon (julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annettu laki 424/ 2003, 6§).
Löf Marja-Elina

4 LICO350 Survival Finnish (for International Students)

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The aim is to help the foreign student to adapt to the Finnish environment at the beginning of studies. The student will learn easy words and phrases needed in everyday situations. He or she will increase the awareness of characteristics of the Finnish way of life, culture and society.
Words and phrases: introductions, greetings, filling in forms with personal information, general signs and notices, places around, asking directions, grocery shopping etc. Basic structures.
Written and/or oral examination, assignment(s)
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Provided by the teacher
Leskinen Hanna

4 LIP2000 Effective Marketing

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student will learn the role of marketing within businesses and the influence operating environments have on marketing decisions. The student will study the history and development of marketing to be able to understand the current mind-set. The student will comprehend the entity of marketing and the variety of tools at use as well as acquire customer oriented attitude towards business. Furthermore, the student will learn the foundations of CRM and service marketing as well as the basis for eMarketing activities.
Role of marketing within business, marketing thinking development, marketing environments, marketing tools, customer orientation, purchase behavior, CRM, service marketing, eMarketing.
Examination, reports and participation in OIS Fair activities.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker R. and Brennan, R. 2013. Marketing: An introduction. Harlow, Essex: Pearson. Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. 2014. Principles of Marketing. Boston, Mass: Pearson. Also available in electronic form. Or equivalent. Other material provided by the lecturer.
Oksanen Virpi

4 LIA5132 Management Accounting

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student can prepare a CVP income statement and calculate the ratios based on that (contribution margin percentage, break-even point and margin of safety). In addition, the student can set the price for a product according to the wanted contribution margin and is also able to consider the VAT in pricing. The student can prepare a budgeted income statement, cash budget and estimated balance sheet according to given information. He or she can simulate the calculations when the initial data is changed.
CVP income statement, cash flow statement, balance sheet, contribution margin, operating profit, pricing coefficient, VAT calculations.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Horngren, C.T., Bhimani, A., Datar, S.M. & Foster, G. Management And Cost Accounting (to the appropriate extent). Harlow: Pearson Education. Electronic book or text book.

4 LIP2200 Economics

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student understands the economic rationale of business and becomes familiar with the essential economic tools for economic analysis. The student understands the economic backgrounds of markets' interaction, and the economic logic of output and price. Further, the student is familiar with major macroeconomic variables and understands the role of macroeconomic policies to stabilise these variables.
Economic problem, demand and supply, cost structure and supply decision, market structures, macroeconomic variables (inflation, unemployment, interest rate, GDP, economic cycles), macroeconomic policies (fiscal and monetary), macroeconomic analysis (AD/AS).
Assignment, final examination.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Hubbard, R. and O'Brien, A. Economics. 3rd ed. or newer. Pearson. Parkin, M. Economics: Global edition. 10th ed. or newer. Prentice Hall. (Selected chapters)
Hannoura Abdelazim

4 LIA6150 Business Mathematics

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student can use mathematics in solving problems on percentage, simple interest, and compound interest. The student can use basic statistical measures in practical applications. The student can use Excel in problem solving.
Revision of percentage calculation. Calculations concerning value-added tax and personal taxation. Cost and revenue function. Basics of contribution margin calculation and pricing. Indices and the value of money. Simple and compound interest including applications. Basics on numerical measures of numerical data. Basics of correlation and regression. Basics of investment calculations. Use of Excel in aplications.
Weekly exercises and exams (two midterm exams or final exam).
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Pulkkinen, P., Holopainen, M. & Keinänen, K. 2011. Business mathematics (The 3rd edition of Business Mathematics published by CS Care & Share, Kuopio, in 2011, translation of the 4-7th revised edition of Talous- ja rahoitusmatematiikka written by Pekka Pulkkinen and Martti Holopainen and published by WSOY pro Oy, Helsinki, in 2010. Kuopio: CS Care & Share. Lecture notes.
Business IT
Muuruvirta Petteri

4 LIP2400 Project Planning

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student will understand the characteristics of projects and become aware of the tools necessary for project planning. He/she will be able to define the scope of projects and break down work into tasks. He/she will also be able to estimate workload and assign resources to tasks as well as to schedule and monitor the process. The student will learn how to use different tools of visual communication needed in projects. In addition, he/she will be able to produce professional documents during the lifetime of a project to various recipients.
Meaning of project and project work. Project planning tools. Task analysis. Scheduling of tasks. Project documentation. Visual elements in projects communication and material (corporate design, publicity, advertising, the internet). Use of English language in projects.
Assignments, group work.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
Course material
Online material provided later.
Hannoura Abdelazim

4 LIF9300 Sales Skills

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student learns to understand the role of sales and the various sales professions and tasks in business. The student understands the importance of customer insight for providing solutions and creating customer experience. The student is able to assess his/her personal strengths and weaknesses as a salesperson.
- The role of sales in business - Selling as a profession and various tasks in sales - The key concepts and terms in sales - Understanding customer insight - Customer buying behavior vs organizational buying behavior - Basic sales skills of a salesperson - Own sales attitude and skills/How to develop own sales skills/How to deliver an effective personal sales pitch
Exam, assignments.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
The material is given at the beginning of the course.
Tarvainen Minna

4 LIA1000 International Economics

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student will become familiar with the economic backgrounds of foreign trade and most common trade theories. He or she is able to use and apply economic analytical tools in international trade. He or she will also become familiar with the role of governments and international organisations which distort trade between nations, and the economic consequences of trade barriers. Furthermore, the students will become familiar with the balance of payment and its significance, as well as the foreign exchange market and exchange rate mechanism.
The student will become familiar with the economic backgrounds of foreign trade and most common trade theories. He or she is able to use and apply economic analytical tools in international trade. He or she will also become familiar with the role of governments and international organisations which distort trade between nations, and the economic consequences of trade barriers. Furthermore, the students will become familiar with the balance of payment and its significance, as well as the foreign exchange market and exchange rate mechanism.
Assignment, final examination.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Hubbard, O´Brien. Economics 3/E, or newer. Parkin. Economics 10/E or newer. Prentice Hall. (only Selected chapters). Other material and web sources will be provided by instructor.
Hannoura Abdelazim

4 LIB5225 Business Environment

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student will learn how to observe and analyse both internal and external business environment internationally. In addition, the student is able to discuss how the changes in the business environment affect companies' decisions. The student will become familiar with the selection process of the target country and the factors influencing market selection.The student will learn some business environment analysis tools (e.g. PESTEL). He or she will become familiar with the means of assessing the competences and skills of the companies that are planning internationalisation or are developing their business in the international markets.
Analysing the external and internal business environment. The selection process of the target country and the factors influencing market selection. The role of market research in the internationalisation process. Reviewing a company's international readiness.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Daniels, J.D., Radebaugh, L. Sullivan, D. 2007. International business: environments and operations. Upper Saddle River (NJ) : Pearson Education International.

Rugman, A. & Collinson, S. 2009. International business. Harlow : Pearson Education.

Morrison, J. 2009. International Business: challenges in a changing world. New York : Palgrave Macmillan.

Wall, S., Minocha, S. & Rees, B. 2010. International business [E-book]. Harlow Pearson.
1st-year studies, International Economics and Business Research.
Tarvainen Minna, Göker Özerk

4 LIA1300 Business Communication

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student develops his or her skills in professional writing and is able to write effective business letters and other business documents using the proper layout and style. He or she learns how to give well-structured oral presentations. He or she also acquires the communication skills needed when organising and attending meetings and negotiations in a multicultural environment.
Written business messages required in international operations such as foreign trade. Business presentations. Meeting and negotiation skills.
Oral and written test(s).
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
To be announced later.
1st-year studies, specifically Business English and Multicultural Environment.
Niskanen Terttu

4 LIA3100 International Marketing

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student will learn the influence of the international environment on marketing decisions based on environmental analysis. The student will adopt a deeper orientation to customer relationship management and the adaptation needs of international customers in operations. The planning process of international marketing will deepen the student's knowledge and skills regarding marketing objectives, strategies, tools and building relationships internationally.
Planning process of international marketing, levels of integration/standardisation, marketing objectives, strategies and tools in international operations, CRM.
Examination, reporting.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Hollendsen, S. 2017. Global Marketing. Harlow, UK: Pearson. Keegan, W. & Green, M. 2017. Global Marketing. Boston: Pearson. Czinkota, M. & Ronkainen, I. 2013. International Marketing. South-Western: Cengage Learning. Other material provided by the lecturer.
curricula 2017-2018: 1st and 2nd year studies, specifically International Economics and Business Environment curricula 2019 and later: 1st-year studies
Oksanen Virpi

4 LIA2200 Professional Reporting

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student will refine and sharpen his or her professional writing and self-editing skills. He or she is able to organize text contents effectively in order to write long, comprehensive messages such as a thesis.
Characteristics of powerful, professional and reader-friendly messages. Reporting. Academic English. Writing a thesis.
Assignments, online test(s).
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
To be announced later.
1st-year studies, Business Communication.
Niskanen Terttu

4 LIA2000 Financial Management

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student understands the key role and tasks of a financial manager. The student will become familiar with the financial market, its key players and major financial assets and will be able to analyse and assess the financial performance of a firm. The student will be familiar with vital financial decision making tools and techniques and will be able to evaluate financial investments.
Financial market, financial assets and instruments, financial ratios and analysis, financial mathematics, capital budgeting, financial assets valuation, capital structure and cost of capital.
Assignments. Final examination.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W. & Jordan, D. B. 2003. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. Boston, Mass.: McGraw Hill. Other material and web sources provided by instructor.
Business Mathematics
Hannoura Abdelazim

4 LIA0100 Business Project 1

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The aim of this course is to expose students to real research work to gain experience in planning and executing a real business-related project. The student plays an active project group member role at least in the following roles: - planning and organising a given project work to achieve the goals. - working proactively and contributing to the project success by having his or her own responsibility area and independent tasks during the execution phase - communicating within the project organisation and group as well as to the external client - contributing to the end reporting of the project in a professional manner.
Project phases, life cycle, roles, resources and risks. Project documentation and the use of project management tools. Communication with stakeholders, customers and internally within the team. Cooperative development of knowledge and skills.
Research and Development work for a local company or Project.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Learning material will depend on the nature of the research case at hand.
1st-year studies, specifically Project Planning. and Business Communication.
Other considerations
The course is team-based practical oriented.
Tarvainen Minna, Hannoura Abdelazim

4 LIA3300 Business Legislation

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student is familiar with the legal aspects of business and able to distinguish between the different legal forms of business. The student is able to identify legal problems in businesses and knows the principal areas of law relevant to the operation of a business. The student recognizes the risks related to international trade and knows how to manage them.
Legal environment of business, forms of business, contracts, breach of contract and remedies, international sale of goods and services, e-commerce, carriage and trade terms, insurance, intellectual property rights, competition law, business ethics.
Assignments, group work, online exam.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
To be announced later.
Komulainen Riitta-Liisa

4 LIF5117 Supply Chain Management

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student understands the critical role of logistics for business and is able to identify different logistics tools and supply chain related strategies. He or she is also able to use purchasing and warehousing models to optimise business operations.
Concepts of supply chain and logistics, logistics tools and modes of transportation, supply chain strategies, purchasing and ordering decisions, planning and controlling inventory.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
For courses arranged 2017 and later: Murphy, P. & Wood, D. 2014. Contemporary Logistics. Upper Saddle River (NJ) : Pearson Education. or Waters, D. 2003. Logistics. An Introduction to Supply Chain Management. New York : Palgrave Macmillan. For courses arranged before 2017: Coyley, J. ,Bardi, E. & Langley, J. 2002. The Management of Business Logistics: a supply chain perspective. Mason, OH: South Western.
1st and 2nd-year studies, specifically International Economics and Business Environment.

4 LIX3100 Internationalisation Process

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student understands the internationalisation process of a company and possible alternatives for international market entry modes. He or she gains knowledge of the various operation methods in the international markets. He or she is able to find, analyse and utilise versatile information when choosing proper internationalisation methods for a company.
A company's internationalisation strategies: challenges, problems and risks related to internationalisation. Information sources and support organisations. International business operation methods.
Assignments, presentations, final examination.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Welch, L. S. et al. 2007. Foreign Operation Methods: Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK/Northampton, MA, USA. Cavusgil, S. T. et al. 2013. International business. The new realities. Pearson Education: Boston. ebook. Other material announced later by the lecturer.
Business Environment, International Economics
Hannoura Abdelazim

4 LIA0200 Business Project 2

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The aim of this second level of Project work is to capitalize on the skills and knowledge gained throughout Business Project 1 course. Students will utilize the previous experience to complete advanced research work for client companies or projects more professionally and efficiently.
Project phases, life cycle, roles, resources and risks. Project documentation and the use of project management tools. Communication with stakeholders, customers and internally within the team. Cooperative development of knowledge and skills.
Research and Development work for a local company or Project. Team members are expected to be proactive, dynamic and totally involved in the planning of research project work, organize tasks and roles, fluently communicate internally among team, and externally with stakeholders. Professionally reporting
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Learning material will depend on the nature of the research case at hand.
2nd-year studies, specifically Business Project 1, Business Environment and Professional Reporting
Other considerations
The course is team-based practical oriented.
Tarvainen Minna, Hannoura Abdelazim

4 LIA1100 Business Research

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student will gain the ability to plan and conduct a research or development project. He or she can evaluate the applicability of a variety of research and development methods as well as gather, analyze, and interpret qualitative and quantitative data. In addition, the student can evaluate the reliability of a research or development process. The student knows the research ethics.
The process and goals of research and development projects. Planning and conducting research and development projects. Data acquisition in research and development projects. Gathering, analyzing and interpreting qualitative and quantitative data. Use of statistical programs. Ethics in research. Basics of statistics.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Buckingham, A. and Saunders, P. 2009. The survey methods workbook: from design to analysis. Cambridge: Polity. Eriksson, P. & Kovalainen, A. 2008. Qualitative Methods in Business Research. London: Sage. Kananen, J. 2011. Rafting Through the Thesis Process. Step by Step Guide to Thesis Process. Jyväskylä: JAMK University of Applied Siences. Silverman, D. 2010. Doing Qualitative Research. A Practical Handbook. Sage: London. Articles and lecture notes provided by the teachers.
1st-year studies, specifically Business Mathematics, Economics and Business IT.
Muuruvirta Petteri, Kesänen Anni

4 LIX4100 Export Processes

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student gains practical experience in the import/export process and becomes familiar with the documentation procedures and forms as well as the other formalities related to the process such as handling customs procedures and obtaining necessary certificates. The student also becomes familiar with the logistics aspects of the process and learn in depth the obligations and consequences of INCOTERMS and terms of payments.
Import/export process, import/export documents, customs and duties, Incoterms, L/C, forwarding.
Completing a fully documented simulation on export/import operation.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
ICC Guide to Export-Import basics. 3rd ed. Drafting and Negotiating International Commercial Contracts - A Practical Guide, ICC Incoterms® 2010. Grafers, H.W. and Schlich, A.W. 2006. Strategic Export Management. Helsinki: WSOY. Weiss, K.D. 2002. Building an Import/Export business. Hoboken: Wiley.
All first-year and second-year compulsory courses as well as Supply Chain Management and Internationalisation Process.
Hannoura Abdelazim

4 LIA4100 Strategic Management

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student understands the strategic management planning process and develops the skill of strategic thinking. He or she understands the vital importance of devising a business vision and mission statement: The student understands and is able to apply SWOT analysis to develop an effective business strategy. The student is also able to use assessment tools to evaluate business performance and to take corrective strategic decisions.
The strategic management concept and the strategic planning process, business vision and mission, SWOT analysis for internal and external factors, strategic assessment for marketing, HRM, finance, R&D, operations performances.
Assignments, case studies, final examination.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
David, F. R. 2011. Strategic management. 13th ed. or newer. Pearson. Wheelen, T. L. 2010. Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policies. 12th ed. Pearson.
All first and second-year compulsory studies.
Hannoura Abdelazim

4 LIA4200 Human Resources

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student understands the importance of maintenance and development work with human resources both from the company's and personnel's points of view. He or she identifies the different elements of human resource management and is able to understand the practical HRM procedures in the company. The student understands the principles of empowering leadership of the individuals and teams including motivation and interaction at the work place as well as teamwork principles. The student will learn how to work as a team and workplace member and team leader.
HRP, recruitment and orientation, HRD, redundancies, knowledge management, well-being at work, interaction and motivation at work, empowering and team leadership.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Organisational Behaviour, International Human Resource Management, Intelligent Leadership (diff. authors).

Other material provided by the lecturer
1st and 2nd year studies, Internationalisation Process and SCM.

4 LIX1000 Sales Process and Tools

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
Students understand the components and stages of the sales process and customers’ purchase process. They deepen their skills and knowledge of customer relationship management as a system and its role to support the sales process. Students learn to manage their customer base. They learn to use various sales and negotiations techniques to close a deal.
Buying process vs sales process CRM in support of sales process/Different sales tools Different roles in sales Time management in sales Sales techniques Sales negotiations: negotiation steps and negotiation skills
Assignments (individual and group assignment).
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
The material is given at the beginning of the course.
Sales Skills
Göker Özerk

4 LIX2000 International Sales Management

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
Students understand the role and responsibilities of a sales executive in managing, supervising and developing the sales and the customer base of a company. They learn the importance of management of global sales teams and understand a sales executive’s role in networking and building partnerships in international sales.
Planning sales Finding sales opportunities and sales leads Customer acquisition Developing solutions to customer needs Leading international sales teams Building networks and partnerships in international sales Managing and developing sales processes
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
The material is given at the beginning of the course.
Sales Skills. Sales Process and Tools.
Göker Özerk

4 LIX3000 Storytelling and Content Marketing

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
Students understand and explain the mechanics of storytelling. They learn to apply storytelling in sales pitching. Students understand the importance of communicating with the customers by delivering valuable information with belief that customers reward a business with their custom and loyalty.
The magic of story Pitching as an application of storytelling Content marketing How to inspire and engage customers
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
The material is given at the beginning of the course.
Sales Skills
Järvenpää Titta

4 LIX4000 Wellness - Setting the Scenes

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The students obtain understanding of the trends of wellness and well-being lifestyles, the reasons for the rise and growth in wellness and the theoretical framework of wellness.
Definitions of wellness, well-being and health and different approaches to them Historical development of wellness Wellness lifestyle as outcome of changes in the working life and society Wellness models and different dimensions of wellness Implementations of wellness in business life
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
To be informed by the lecturer.
Verhelä Pauli

4 LIX5000 Service Concepts in Wellness

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The students obtain understanding of wellness tourism from the viewpoint of inbound and outbound tourism and domestic markets. The students will create wellness tourism concepts based on the contemporary understanding of consumer behaviour – needs and motivations of customers.
Concepts of wellness in various markets and types of enterprises Needs and motivations of customers Nature Wellness and Green Care Basics of event management Occupational wellness Overview of Health & Wellness tourism
Assignments & project work.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
To be announced by the teacher.
Wellness – Setting the Scenes.
Verhelä Pauli

4 LIX6000 Wellness Technology

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The students acquire an overview of the growing market of wellness technology and its implementations, the reasons for using wellness technology and career possibilities in the market.
Defining wellness technology and its various dimensions: information technology, electronic health, mobile health, wearable technology. Implementations, markets and examples of use of technology in wellness. Enterprises in wellness technology.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
To be announced by the lecturer.
Wellness – Setting the Scenes. Service Concepts in Wellness.
Santti Ulla, Willman Salla

4 LIX7000 Service Design Thinking

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student obtains an overview of the service design thinking and methods. He/she acquires knowledge of specific techniques and guidelines which emphasize the aspects of user-centric and culturally & socially appropriate service design. The student also learns to understand important factors to consider when developing and applying service design processes.
- Service design thinking and its methods and processes. - Understanding the service design challenge: the users, business environment and applicable technologies. - Observing, profiling, creating empathy for the users, participating with the users and being visual during the whole process. - Creating and prototyping ideas as well as idea evaluation and improvement together with the clients and the users. - Implementing, maintaining and developing the services. - Operating with business realities.
A small project work.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
Course material
STICDORN, M. & SCHNEIDER, J. (ed.) 2010. This is Service Design Thinking. Basics - Tools - Cases. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers. Dorst, K. 2015. Frame innovation: create new thinking by design. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Sirviö Timo

4 LIX8000 Sustainable Fashion

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student learns to realize what impacts his/her decisions about fashion have on sustainability. He/she becomes familiar with fashion concepts in a social, cultural, environmental and economical context both locally and globally. The student understands the importance of sustainable fashion strategies based on future thinking. The student is able to translate trends and target designs to correspond with and enhance a company's/brand’s identity. The student learns to work in a practical, creative and innovative way in the development of fashion concepts in a sustainable context. He/she is able to demonstrate a critical engagement in various aspects of sustainability and justify his/her proposals and decisions. He or she will learn to work in a concept design process based on both an experimental, sustainable and commercial approach.
Definitions of sustainable fashion. Fashion in global context. Sustainable fashion strategies and methods. The role of design in sustainability issues. Sustainable trend and market analysis. A team-based project where a sustainable fashion concept is developed.
Exams and sustainable fashion concept assignment.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
WGSN (online material) Niinimäki, Kirsi (ed.) 2013. Sustainable fashion: new approaches. Helsinki: Aalto ARTS Books (e-book). Gwilt, Alison. 2014. A practical guide to sustainable fashion. London: Fairchild Books. Ethicalfashionforum/ http://mysource.io/ Okala: the ecodesign strategy wheel. (online material) Other course-specific e-learning materials provided by the lecturer.
Basic studies.
Ryynänen Sirpa, Niskanen Terttu

4 LIX9000 Creative Leadership

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student obtains an understanding of the critical role of an organisational culture both from the customer perspective (providing a basis for company image) and from an inner organisational perspective (providing shared guidelines for work). Furthermore, the student increases his/her knowledge of different types of people and working styles in order to be able to make the best use of team dynamics in building an innovative and creative team. The student identifies his/her potential for creativity and creative problem solving and will find ways how to act as a creative leader. The student learns to find creativity by himself/herself and use the methods to find the creativity of the employees. The student learns to understand leadership in a sustainable way.
- Fundamental understanding of leadership & management. - Gaining an understanding of different organisational structures and leadership - Ability to create organisational cultural analysis - Understanding the fundamentals of team psychology and development - Understanding of teams and how to build up good teams - Understanding individuals' roles in a team and diversity in a team/group/organisation setting - understand the importance of creativity in itself and understand the importance of creativity in the workplace / leadership
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
To be announced by the teacher via Moodle.
No prerequisites (However this is a business-related course, so some basic knowledge of business is expected. If you come from different type of background then you should study more of the terms and tools and theories on your own.)
Other considerations
This course is an online course done via Moodle. Specific instructions will be given at the beginning of the course. Please note that a web-based course requires motivation and self-studying from the students. The study method is online learning, which requires independent study skills. The lecturer will give tips and hints how to progress, but the work is to be done by the students.
Incze Emma

4 LIX1100 User Experience Design

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
In this course, the student will obtain an overview of the UX (User Experience) design and design processes for creating user-centric digital services and interaction design. The student will achieve knowledge of design thinking, concept design and other specific techniques and guidelines for developing meaningful services in digital age. The student is able to create, improve and develop new concepts and solutions for businesses and organization’s within digital marketing and interaction design.
Idea creation and assessment, development of concepts.
Business and customer oriented assignments.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Buxton, B. 2007. Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design. Or equivalent. Other material provided by the lecturer.
Silfver Jouni

4 LIF8140 Targeted Internship

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student deepens and expands his or her expertise-related skills and knowledge while working in business. He or she becomes familiar with pre-defined duties as well as with applying his or her skills and knowledge in a specific focus area to support professional growth.
Development of knowledge and skills, increase in working life readiness, growth in personal abilities.
Completion of targeted intership. Assignments, learning journal, PLE, blog, and/or expert presentation.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
Basic internship.
Other considerations
The extent of targeted intership is defined in a personal study plan discussion between the student and a tutor teacher.
Niskanen Terttu

4 LIA5360 Advanced Finance

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The aim of this course is to enable students to develop deeper knowledge and skills in the field of finance. The students learn to obtain and refine financial data for analysis, to estimate key essential statistics parameters from data sets, to develop financial optimization models based on Modern Portfolio Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model, and finally to construct an option's pricing simulation.
Risk and return relationship in financial context. Portfolio theory, financial assets allocation, and optimization. Black-Scholes Model for options pricing.
Completing a series of assignments mostly based on Excel.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Various advanced articles, online demos, and finance books.
Financial Management. Statistics and good Excel skills.
Hannoura Abdelazim

4 LIF8130 eBusiness

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
Students will familiarize with the key concepts, opportunities, and effects of electronic and mobile business as well as learn about the influences of the digital society into the organizations and lives of the consumers. Students will recognize the internet's role in business and understand internet-related business models and technologies. The main focus is on strategic planning of e-business, social business, and digital marketing.
Business models in the internet and mobile environment, strategic e-business planning process, e-commerce, digital marketing, and social business channels.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Informed by the teacher during the course
Oksanen Virpi, Aho Markus

4 LIF8135 Business Intelligence

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
Students get basic understanding of Business Intelligence and methods related to this area. Students become familiar with personal computing tools applied to practical business decisions.
Spreadsheet functions and BI-tools of Office- programs. Time series and regression analysis. Introduction of optimization-based management science techniques. Formulation decision problems as optimization models and using Excel Solver to formulate, solve and interpret various management optimization problems.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Wayne L. Winston: Microsoft Excel 2013: Data Analysis and Business Modeling. Winston, W.L. & Albright, S.C. 2005. Spreadsheet Modeling and Applications: Essentials of Practical Management.
Basic spreadsheet skills, Business Mathematics.
Suomela Leo

4 LIF5300 Strategic Branding and Marketing Communication

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The students will understand the meaning of strategic brands in the success of an organisation. The connection between branding and the overall management of the organisation will become clearer. The student will also learn the process of methodical brand building and the tools and methods of implementation.
- Meaning of brands in regards to purchase behavior - Meaning of brands in regards to organizational achievement - Brand strategies and branding as a strategic issue - Brand building elements, concepts and process - Brand equity and benefits
Presentation on assignment, exam.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Aaker, D: Building Strong Brands. Keller, K: Strategic Brand Management, 2008. Fournier, Breazeale & Fetscherin, edited: Consumer-brand relationships, 2012. Other material provided by teacher.
Effective Marketing or similar.
Oksanen Virpi

4 LIF5250 Digital Marketing Communication Project

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student knows the basics of digital marketing communication and current trends of digital marketing and social media. The student is capable of implementing digital marketing campaigns with applicable tools.
Digital marketing and social media strategy, planning, and content marketing. Measuring the results. Image processing and graphic design software. Online marketing channels and advertising. Using blogs and social media in Business. Basics of search engine optimization.
Learning diary, project work, self and peer evaluation, presentation of project work in seminar.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
Material informed by the teachers at the beginning and during the course.
Järvenpää Titta

4 LIG9130 Internship 1

6 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
6 cr
The objective of the work placement is to enable the student to become familiar with various professions, duties and tasks in business life while doing work that is relevant to the degree programme. The work placement enables the student to apply the knowledge learned to practice and also evaluate personal aptitude in view of the requirements of working life. At the same time the student gains experience of the qualifications required in various professions in business life in general and is able to evaluate his/her own knowledge and skills.
Development of knowledge, the practical working skills within the specific field and personal competences.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
60 credits of studies.
Niskanen Terttu

4 LIG9140 Internship 2

6 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
6 cr
The objective of the work placement is to enable the student to become familiar with various professions, duties and tasks in business life while doing work that is relevant to the degree programme. The work placement enables the student to apply the knowledge learned to practice and also evaluate personal aptitude in view of the requirements of working life. At the same time the student gains experience of the qualifications required in various professions in business life in general and is able to evaluate his/her own knowledge and skills.
Development of knowledge, the practical working skills within the specific field and personal competences.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
60 credits of studies.
Niskanen Terttu

4 LIG9150 Internship 3

6 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
6 cr
The objective of the work placement is to enable the student to become familiar with various professions, duties and tasks in business life while doing work that is relevant to the degree programme. The work placement enables the student to apply the knowledge learned to practice and also evaluate personal aptitude in view of the requirements of working life. At the same time the student gains experience of the qualifications required in various professions in business life in general and is able to evaluate his or her own knowledge and skills.
Development of knowledge, the practical working skills within the specific field and personal competences.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
120 cr of studies
Niskanen Terttu

4 LIG9160 Internship 4

6 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
6 cr
The objective of the work placement is to enable the student to become familiar with various professions, duties and tasks in business life while doing work that is relevant to the degree programme. The work placement enables the student to apply the knowledge learned to practice and also evaluate personal aptitude in view of the requirements of working life. At the same time the student gains experience of the qualifications required in various professions in business life in general and is able to evaluate his or her own knowledge and skills.
Development of knowledge, the practical working skills within the specific field and personal competences.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
120 cr of studies
Niskanen Terttu

4 LIG9170 Internship 5

6 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
6 cr
The objective of the work placement is to enable the student to become familiar with various professions, duties and tasks in business life while doing work that is relevant to the degree programme. The work placementl enables the student to apply the knowledge learned to practice and also evaluate personal aptitude in view of the requirements of working life. At the same time the student gains experience of the qualifications required in various professions in business life in general and is able to evaluate his or her own knowledge and skills.
Development of knowledge, the practical working skills within the specific field and personal competences.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
120 cr of studies
Niskanen Terttu

4 SAVTHE1 Thesis

15 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
15 cr
Student can - choose a topic for thesis that is suitable for his or her field and his or her professional development and justify the choice from different perspectives - plan and implement a working life oriented research and development work based on the needs of the user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based information in the thesis process and in the development of his or her expertise - appropriately use research and development methods or artistic methods that are suitable for his or her professional field and for the topic of the thesis - prepare a clearly defined, logical and professionally appropriate report on his or her thesis - evaluate the essential contents, results or output of his or her thesis and justify their significance from the perspectives of his or her field, the client’s/user’s need and his or her professional development - evaluate his or her thesis process, its reliability and ethicality as well as his or her professional growth and learning during the work - cooperate in a flexible manner with players involved in the thesis process and demonstrate his or her expertise - take the maturity test on his or her thesis.
SAVTHE1 Thesis 15 ECTS ONT10: Planning the thesis (5 ECTS) - orientation to thesis and its preparation - choice and definition of topic - preparation of thesis plan and compilation of background material ONT20 Implementation of thesis process (5 ECTS) - preparation of thesis - results/output of thesis ONT30 Finalising the thesis (5 ECTS) - reporting and publication of thesis ONT40 Maturity test
The thesis is always working life oriented. It may take the form of a a) development work planned and implemented by a student or a group of students to meet the user's or client's needs. Development may focus on a product, service, process, working method, learning material or instruction, digital material, supervised activity etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output and the need for further development in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. b) research-based thesis, in which a student or a group of student approaches a practical problem or item to be developed with appropriate research methods. The student shall prepare a report describing the planning, implementation and results of the thesis and interpreting the results. c) production, in which a student of a group of students demonstrates competence as an expert or as an artist by planning and implementing an event, a seminar, an artistic performance etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. d) compiled thesis, in which parts planned as a thesis (e.g. projects) are implemented and reported. In the written synthesis, article or other publication, which is part of the thesis, the student shall present the essential results/output in a form that is suitable for the professional field in question. The student shall choose either SAVTHE1 or SAVTHE2 as the form of completion.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
The student shall acquire the material required for the thesis him or herself. Savonia’s thesis reporting instructions
Method studies in accordance with the curriculum of the degree programme
Other considerations
The student may adapt the Thesis course to a schedule that is appropriate to his or her work.
Mäkelä Pentti

5 LIONT10 Thesis Planning

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student can - choose a topic that is relevant for the development of both the field of study and his/her own expertise - motivate his/her topic choice from various viewpoints - create a thesis topic description and complete it into a thesis plan (=work plan) - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the thesis process - present his /her knowledge and skills.
- selecting a thesis topic and narrowing it down - writing a thesis topic description - signing an agreement on thesis project and supervision - finding a thesis supervisor - information retrieval - writing a thesis plan (= work plan) and finding source material
Participation in thesis info sessions, writing a thesis topic description, independent work, information retrieval, presenting a thesis plan (=work plan) in a thesis seminar.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
Course material
The student acquires the material required in the thesis process independently. Savonia Reporting Instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme.
Other considerations
The student may create an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.
Mäkelä Pentti

5 LIONT20 Thesis Implementation

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student can - implement a working-life-oriented research and development project, which meets the needs of a user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based knowledge to the thesis process in order to increase and develop his/her expertise - create a report that is concise and logical and meets the professional standards of his/her field of study. - assess the main contents, results and outcomes of the thesis and discuss their relevance to the field, the needs of a user/the client and the development of his/her expertise - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise
- working independently on the thesis - guidance related to the various phases of the thesis - the results/outcome of the thesis - presentation of the thesis in a seminar
Independent studies and information retrieval.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
Research methodology studies of the degree programme. Thesis Planning -course (5 cr).
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for his/her thesis process.
Mäkelä Pentti

5 LIONT30 Thesis Finalisation

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student can - create a report that is concise and logical and meets the professional standards of his/her field of study - assess the main contents, results and outcomes of the thesis and discuss their relevance to the field, the needs of a user/the client and the development of his/her expertise - assess the thesis process, its reliability and ethicalness as well as his/her professional growth and development - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise - write a maturity test essay on the thesis process.
- finalizing the thesis as well as writing and editing the report based on the feedback received in the thesis seminar and from the thesis supervisor - detection of plagiarism - submitting the thesis for assessment
Independent studies and information retrieval.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis process independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme. Thesis Planning -course (5 cr). Thesis Implementation -course (5 cr).
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.
Mäkelä Pentti

5 LIONT40 Maturity Test

The student can - write the maturity test showing expertise in the field of his/her studies and proficiency in communication and language skills - discuss the maturity test assignment in a logical manner, showing professional competence and with relevance to the assignmnet questions - summarise his/her thesis and focus on the essential concepts, facts and findings - write a professional text in the appropriate style and without grammar mistakes.
Enrolling to and writing the maturity test.
The student enrols to the maturity test after his/her thesis has been submitted for assessment. The student in an international degree programme who has completed his/her school education in Finnish or Swedish writes the maturity test in Finnish or Swedish. The student who has completed his/her school education abroad or in a language other than Finnish or Swedish writes the maturity test in the language of instruction of the degree programme in question. The thesis supervisor prepares maturity test questions on the student's thesis content. The student answers the question(s) of his/her choice. The student is not allowed to bring any material to the examination room. The maturity test comprises about four pages of text written by the student or 400-600 word. The student can spend up to three hours (3x60 min) on the test.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
Course material
The student receives the maturity test assignment after entering the examination classroom.
Completion of SAVONT1 Thesis (15 cr) or SAVONT2 Thesis (15 cr).
Other considerations
Information on the student's maturity test is given on the degree certificate.
Mäkelä Pentti

4 SAVTHE2 Thesis

15 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
15 cr
Student can - choose a topic for thesis that is innovative for his or her field and his or her professional development and justify the choice from different perspectives - plan and implement a working life oriented research and development work based on the needs of the user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based information in the thesis process and in the development of his or her expertise - appropriately use research and development methods or artistic methods that are suitable for his or her professional field and for the topic of the thesis - prepare a clearly defined, logical and professionally appropriate report on his or her thesis - evaluate the essential contents, results or output of his or her thesis and justify their significance from the perspectives of his or her field, the client’s/user’s need and his or her professional development - evaluate his or her thesis process, its reliability and ethicality as well as his or her professional growth and learning during the work - cooperate in a flexible manner with players involved in the thesis process and demonstrate his or her expertise - take the maturity test on his or her thesis.
SAVTHE2 Thesis 15 ECTS: ONT50 Thesis, project 1 (5 ECTS), ONT60 Thesis, project 2 (5 ECTS), ONT70 Synthesis and publication of thesis projects (5 ECTS), ONT80 Maturity test
The thesis is always working life oriented. It may take the form of a a) development work planned and implemented by a student or a group of students to meet the user's or client's needs. Development may focus on a product, service, process, working method, learning material or instruction, digital material, supervised activity etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output and the need for further development in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. b) research-based thesis, in which a student or a group of student approaches a practical problem or item to be developed with appropriate research methods. The student shall prepare a report describing the planning, implementation and results of the thesis and interpreting the results. c) production, in which a student of a group of students demonstrates competence as an expert or as an artist by planning and implementing an event, a seminar, an artistic performance etc. The student shall present the plan, its implementation and its evaluated output in a report whose form is suitable for the professional field in question. d) compiled thesis, in which parts planned as a thesis (e.g. projects) are implemented and reported. In the written synthesis, article or other publication, which is part of the thesis, the student shall present the essential results/output in a form that is suitable for the professional field in question. The student shall choose either SAVTHE1 or SAVTHE2 as the form of completion.
Grading Scale
0 - 5
Course material
The student shall acquire the material required for the thesis him or herself. Savonia’s thesis reporting
Method studies in accordance with the curriculum of the degree programme.
Other considerations
The student may adapt the Thesis course to a schedule that is appropriate to his or her work.
Mäkelä Pentti

5 LIONT50 Thesis Project 1

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student can - implement a working-life-oriented research and development project, which meets the needs of a user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based or artistic methods to the thesis process in order to increase and develop his/her expertise - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise
Planning, implementation and reporting on a project.
Presenting the project plan. Approval of the the project plan. Independent studies and information retrieval. Implementation of the project. Reporting on the project.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis project independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme.
Mäkelä Pentti

5 LIONT60 Thesis Project 2

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student can - implement a working-life-oriented research and development project, which meets the needs of a user/client - apply scientific and evidence-based or artistic methods to the thesis process in order to increase and develop his/her expertise - work flexibly with other people and parties involved in the process and demonstrate his/her expertise
Planning, implementation and reporting on a project.
Presenting the project plan. Approval of the the project plan. Independent studies and information retrieval. Implementation of the project. Reporting on the project.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis project independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme.
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.
Mäkelä Pentti

5 LIONT70 Finalising the Thesis Projects

5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language
5 cr
The student can - assess the main contents, results and outcomes of the thesis and discuss their relevance to the field, the needs of a user/the client and the development of his/her expertise - assess the thesis process, its reliability and ethicalness as well as his/her professional growth and development - create a report, article or other publication that is concise and logical and meets the professional standards of his/her field of study
Creating a report, article or other publication that presents the main results/outcomes in a format that meets the professional standards of the field. Presenting the thesis projects in a seminar.
Reporting on the thesis projects. Presentation of the thesis projects in a seminar.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
Course material
The student acquires any material needed in the thesis process independently. Savonia Reporting instructions.
Research methodology studies of the degree programme. LIONT50 Thesis Project 1. LIONT60 Thesis Project 2.
Other considerations
The student may set an individual yet appropriate timetable for the thesis process.
Mäkelä Pentti

5 LIONT80 Maturity Test

The student can - write the maturity test showing expertise in the field of his/her studies and proficiency in communication and language skills - discuss the maturity test assignment in a logical manner, showing professional competence and with relevance to the assignmnet questions - summarise his/her thesis and focus on the essential concepts, facts and findings - write a professional text in the appropriate style and without grammar mistakes.
Enrolling to and writing the maturity test.
The student enrols to the maturity test after his/her thesis has been submitted for assessment. The student in an international degree programme who has completed his/her school education in Finnish or Swedish writes the maturity test in Finnish or Swedish. The student who has completed his/her school education abroad or in a language other than Finnish or Swedish writes the maturity test in the language of instruction of the degree programme in question. The thesis supervisor prepares maturity test questions on the student's thesis content. The student answers the question(s) of his/her choice. The student is not allowed to bring any material to the examination room. The maturity test comprises about four pages of text written by the student or 400-600 words. The student can spend up to three hours (3x60 min) on the test.
Grading Scale
Passed - 0
Course material
The student receives the maturity test assignment after entering the examination classroom.
Completion of LIONT50 Thesis Project 1 and LIONT60 Thesis Project 2.
Other considerations
Information on the student's maturity test is given on the degree certificate.
Mäkelä Pentti

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