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Interview with Ruslan Biloskurskyi from ILCA project


In response to the challenges faced by the Ukrainian education sector amid the Russian invasion, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and its Knowledge and Innovation Communities are actively providing crucial support to Ukrainian universities, students and staff. Recognising the diverse needs arising from the situation, these organisations are consolidating available resources both at the EIT HEI Initiative level and within its specific projects.

The EIT HEI initiative had the opportunity to interview Ruslan Biloskurskyi from Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, a partner involved in the project Innovation Laboratories for Climate Action (ILCA). In this interview, we delve into Ruslan’s engagement with the EIT HEI Initiative and explore the impact of the ILCA project on higher education in Ukraine.

Read the full interview by clicking here.