Tekniikan alan opiskelija laboratoriossa.

Research, Development and Business Services

RDI + Business: Promoting regional development

The two main tasks for the University of Applied Sciences are education and research, development and innovation (RDI). RDI also promotes regional development and internationalisation. Savonia produces new competences and knowledge for the use of local operators, based on working life orientation.

The starting point of RDI is the context of application. Diverse expertise is brought together in RDI networks. At Savonia, production of new knowledge is rooted in practice. The quality of new skills and knowledge produced is ultimately measured within their fields of application. Savonia’s RDI activities offer variety of services and forms of co-operation to the businesses, communities, and organisations from different fields as well as to private individuals.


Entrepreneurship & innovations

Business Center North Savo is a novel service network aiming to strengthen the know-how and competitiveness of the North Savo region. We invest in entrepreneurship, innovation and development of new services and products.

Savonia-muki työpöydällä.

Business services

Savonia Business Services provides expert, education, development and testing as well as event services for local businesses as well as globally.

Opiskelija opiskelee kirjaston tiloissa.

Research & development

One of the core functions of Savonia as a university of applied sciences is to provide high quality research and development services for businesses. The development services are carried out through projects funded by (inter)national investors.

Tekniikan opiskelija ja tablettitietokone.

Digital innovation services

DigiCenter North Savo supports Northern Savo companies in their digital transformation by providing services that improve digital skills, foster technology testing and increase networking of companies.

Influence Stories

Etualalla yleisöä kuuntelemassa paneelikeskustelua, puhujat näkyvät taustalla epäselvänä.



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Addressing the Critical Issues in Upper Savo’s Industry

Teknologiatalkoot Event: What are the pressing issues in Upper Savo’s industry that demand solutions? Read more

Kädet hanskat kädessä istuttamassa kasvia.



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Farm Occupational Safety Management and Attitudes: navigating challenges and cultivating change

The article focuses on farm occupational safety management and attitudes of farmers, based on the 3 speaches presented Read… Lue lisää

Finnish expertise in demand in Ukraine – “It is important to start measures while the war is still going on”



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Finnish expertise in demand in Ukraine – “It is important to start measures while the war is still going on”

Savonia University of Applied Sciences (UAS), together with Business Finland, supports the green transition in Ukraine.Read more

Revolutionalising Remote Healthcare: Unleashing the Power of Open-Source Innovation



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Revolutionalising Remote Healthcare: Unleashing the Power of Open-Source Innovation

Padvi’s thesis offers innovative healthcare solutions by developing two prototypes using open-source technologyRead more

Leipää voidellaan.



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0% grain, 100% taste and freedom to choose

Taste, ​composition and nutritional content that cannot be found elsewhere. Ketoinen produces low-carbohydrate, fiber- and protein-rich bakery products. All… Lue lisää

mustalla pohjalla sinisiä tietokoneella piirrettyjä viruksen malleja



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Collaboration between Authorities and Companies: COVID-19 in North Savo Hospital District

In autumn 2020, a rapid impact evaluation workshop was arranged in North Savo Hospital District with the participation of… Lue lisää

Miehiä, joilla on käsissään ruokaa ja juomaa.



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Local Businesses Boosted by European Region of Gastronomy Award

The time has come to summarize the benefits of the celebrated European Region of Gastronomy Award granted to North… Lue lisää

piirretty kuva vanhasta naisesta



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Workshops Support Responsibility Work of Small and Medium Size Enterprises

The Business Network of Climate Security Project arranged by Savonia in the beginning of December 2021 marked the start… Lue lisää




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HitTek – Advanced Technology in Welding Industry

The Finnish technology industries are facing a situation where the need for new labour force by 2021 is estimated… Lue lisää