Opiskelijoita konetekniikan laboratoriossa.

Thinking about studying a Bachelor’s Degree?

Invest in your future. Start your international career with us!

Complete a highly valued and recognized Finnish Bachelor’s degree at Savonia. Finland is known to be a safe and secure environment where everything functions and you are being well taken care of. At Savonia you can select among our six Bachelor’s programmes in English.

Hymyileviä opiskelijoita.

Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business

Administration, International Business programme aims to develop global business experts with a specialisation in foreign trade and in the internationalisation process of businesses. BBA graduates are valuable assets to small- and medium-sized companies going global. Our BBAs work in import-export operations, marketing, international sales, customer care, and other international activities.

Opiskelijoita konetekniikan laboratoriossa.

Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology (Internet of Things)

The Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology (Internet of Things) programme aims to develop experts in information technology with the specialisation in Internet of Things (IoT). The degree programme qualifies engineers to work in the fields of IoT and Big Data; especially, in companies operating within the digital health and industrial internet sectors. The duties of an IoT graduate may vary from software design to electrical engineering, the design of smart wireless devices, and the whole IoT system in the cloud.

Opiskelija ja 3D-tulostin.

Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

The Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering programme develops technology industry experts with a specialisation in mechatronics. Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering that focuses on the integration of mechanical, electronic and electrical engineering systems.

At the Savonia University of Applied Sciences mechatronics is studied with machines such as mini excavators to which students can design new parts or systems. Other examples of mechatronics are welding robots and robotic arms. Those will also become familiar to Mechanical Engineering students.

Opiskelijoita konetekniikan työsalissa.

Bachelor of Engineering, Industrial Management

The Bachelor of Engineering, Industrial Management programme develops highly skilled technology industry experts who also focus on service-oriented business and production in industrial framework.

The duties of an industrial management graduate fall within the fields of industrial engineering and business management. For example, supply chain management, project management, business operations, sales engineering, and other industrial-related activities. Graduates understand product-orientated and service-oriented business models and have the knowledge and skill to design new products and services, based on the customers’ needs.


Bachelor of Health Care, Registered Nurse

The Bachelor of Health Care, Registered Nurse programme aims to develop competent and highly skilled nurses with an excellent knowledge of encountering, supervising and caring for people with diverse health issues. The degree programme provides you with extensive knowledge of nursing. You will master the required concepts, methods and skills to enable critical assessment and decision-making in changing and unpredictable nursing situations.

Hiker sits on the summit Paha-Koli and enjoys the scenery of the Pielinen lake, summer

Bachelor of Hospitality Management

The Bachelor of Hospitality Management educates competent and distinctive experts in the development of the tourism and hospitality industry. The bilingual degree programme is aimed at immigrants and the studying of the Finnish language has a significant role in this programme.

This degree provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to get a job in Finland. By the time of graduation, the goal is that the student will be able to work in Tourism and Hospitality industry in Finland using the Finnish language.