RDI projects


Project Information

Euroopan sosiaalirahaston, vipuvoimaa EU:lta, sekä ELY-keskuksen logot.
NameHuman Resourcing Environment
ContactJaana Konttinen
DescriptionHuman Resourcing Environment

The corona pandemic has had a negative effect on the ability of SMEs to hire new workers, as financial risks have
increased significantly and the changed economic situation has even led to bankruptcies or closures. In addition,
COVID-19 has increased employees remote working and workload, which has affected the mental well-being of a
large number of workers due to reduced social contacts. There have also been challenges in companies to pass on
tacit information between employees, as communication no longer takes place naturally during coffee breaks or during work breaks. The aim of the project is to create a human resource environment that develops a new type of work model for employees who work virtually under normal conditions. One important goal is to lower the employment threshold and diversify employment opportunities.

The model is also suitable for remote working in exceptional circumstances. Developing a remote working model also includes a digital resourcing environment where different types of communicators can do programming work and work naturally without a physical presence in the workplace. In the model of doing work and in the resource
environment, it is taken care to ensure that these individuals are allowed to shine as individuals, while at the same
time resilience and mental well-being will be developed for these employees. The goal is to create groups of
employees of which a programmer can either be hired for a resource environment, he or she can be involved as an
entrepreneur or a light entrepreneur, or a company can provide a free time resource for the needs of another
company. During the project, various ways will be tested to promote the employment opportunities of experts and to agile the procurement of work for companies.

The project will also have the potential to lower the threshold for the internationalization of SMEs in a natural way, as programming work can be done regardless of location. When programmers from several different companies join the human resource environment, the model and platform for doing the work together provide an opportunity to discuss and solve challenges through joint co-design that implements the mentoring model as principle. One programmer may already have a solution to the problem and can easily distribute or purchase a license for the code. The project naturally increases the opportunities for SMEs to internationalize, as programming work can be done regardless of location. At the same time, the operating model enables the recruitment of international experts and the performance of work in the international market. Through the human resourcing environment, it is possible to allocate human resources and order work across organizational boundaries. The new co-operation between companies enables participation in larger tenders and thus increases the competitiveness of companies in the province of Northern Savonia.
PartnersVarsinaisia kohderyhmiä ovat 1) veturiyritysten henkilöstö ja johto, 2) mikro- ja pk-yritysten henkilöstö ja johto, sekä 3)
yrittäjät, itsensä työllistäjät sekä irtisanomisuhanalaiset ja osa-aikaisesti työllistetyt henkilöt.

Välillisenä hyötyjänä on koko Pohjois-Savon elinkeinoelämä ja erityisesti useat toimialat, joissa tehdään tietotyötä tai
tarvitaan ohjelmointi- ja markkinointiosaamista. Alue hyötyy tehokkaammasta osaamisen jakamisesta ja yritysten
tuotekehitystyön tehostumisesta. Välillisinä hyötyjinä ovat myös perheet ja muut alueen asukkaat, joiden hyvinvointi
kohenee etätyöntekijöiden hyvinvoinnin edistymisen myötä. Välillisiin kohderyhmiin kuuluvat myös varsinaiseen
kohderyhmään kuuluvien yritysten asiakkaat, sekä hankkeeseen vielä liittymättömät yritykset ja tahot, jotka hyötyvät
hankkeen tuloksista myöhemmässä vaiheessa.
Funded byESR Flat Rate 2014-2020