RDI projects


Project Information

Name3D-printing Collaboration Project 3DTY - Savonia
ContactAntti Alonen
DescriptionThe project strives to modernize the industry by bringing together actors in research, development and innovation (RDI) throughout Finland that develop and disseminate the use of large-scale 3D printing technology.
The aim is to improve the local and national impact of these activities by combining close domestic cooperation with the best of global expertise. In practice, this means new business and business-driven renewal based on the development of skills and innovation.

The project will achieve these objectives and contribute to the digitalization of manufacturing by supporting the transition to 3D printing as one of the digital manufacturing methods, the adoption of which will also contribute to the digitalization of other manufacturing methods. Moreover, the project will also contribute to the "green transition" by enabling energy-efficient manufacturing with less waste. The nationwide character of the project is emphasized by the fact that the project partners and related stakeholders represent the regions of Northern Finland (University of Oulu, Rovaniemi Education Center REDU), Eastern Finland (University of Eastern Finland, Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Southern Finland (LUT University) and Western Finland (Tampere University of Applied Sciences). Ensuring business impact are the innovation platform DIMECC Oy's ecosystems FAMN (Finnish Advanced Manufacturing Network) and FAME (Finnish Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem).
PartnersHankekonsortiossa ovat mukana Savonian lisäksi Itä-Suomen Yliopisto (UEF), Oulun Yliopiston FMT-tutkimusryhmä, Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu (TAMK), Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto (LUT), Rovaniemen koulutuskuntayhtymä (REDU) ja FAME.
Funded byEAKR FR 40% 2021-27 tosiasialliset palkat