RDI projects


Project Information

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NameGood Gaming in Finland
ContactEini Puhakka
DescriptionThe Good Gaming in Finland project collects information on gaming activities and game education in Finland and supports the dissemination of the best and most effective practices and knowledge at the national level. The project will find out which models have been most successful in strengthening participants' well-being, digital skills and employment opportunities. It will also look at the impact of the covid-19 on gaming activities and the needs of professionals working with young people in terms of game education skills.

Objectives in brief:
1. to identify and bring together good practices and models of game activities that strengthen digital skills, employability and social skills
2. Identifying the need for game education skills
3. Strengthening the network and improving opportunities for further development

The project measures include the mapping of game activities and game education expertise at the national level and the design of a roadmap for further development. The roadmap will identify the current situation of actors, the success of past projects and the most effective approaches. This will be complemented by an analysis of the share of investment in the different regions. The roadmap for the further development of game activities will provide a picture of how and what results have been achieved. The roadmap is intended to be openly available for the development of digital and socially empowering gaming activities. It also identifies partners and implementers interested in further development.

The project will build an overall picture of gaming activities and gaming education expertise across Finland, which will also contribute to mitigating the effects of the covid-19. The mapping will help to further develop the activities and increase their impact on employment and well-being nationwide. In the longer term, it will be possible to make more effective use of gaming activities to promote people's digital skills, social skills and employment opportunities.
PartnersSavonia-ammattikorkeakoulu toteuttaa hankkeen yhteistyössä Humanistisen ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa.

Hankkeen varsinaisena kohderyhmänä ovat valtakunnallisesti pelitoimintaan kohdistuneet hankkeet ja erilaiset pelitoimintakokeilut (menneet ja menossa olevat), pelitoiminnan verkostot, ohjattua pelitoimintaa järjestävät toimijat sekä pelikasvatusopintoja tarjoavat oppilaitokset.

Hankkeen välillisenä kohderyhmänä ovat nuoret sekä nuoret aikuiset, jotka saavat hankkeen kohderyhmänä olevien kautta laadukkaampaa palvelua.

Laajana sidosryhmänä on erilaiset pelitoiminnan verkostot (oppilaitokset, organisaatiot, järjestö- ja kuntatoimijat).
Funded byESR Flat Rate 2014-2020