Career Design and Well-being (3 ECTS)

Virtual course – autumn 2022

Photo (c) Mikhail Nilov by Pexels
  1. Annotation: After finishing the course students will be able to explain key theories of career development and main steps in making career decisions. Students will be able to understand personal branding and develop a brand for their career through effective media content use. They will be introduced to today’s knowledge society and create written products focused on the creation of an informative text complementing the emphasis on visualization and creativity. Students will be able to explain the importance of emotional intelligence in career design and apply key strategies of stress management in their further careers.
  1. Start and end dates of course implementation: according to the official schedule of the programme.
  1. Registration to the course information: Quality of virtual studies programme platform
  1. Volume by credits and hours:
Volume by ECTS creditsSynchronous activities,hoursAsynchronous activities,hoursTotal, hoursAssessment
3275380Cumulative assessment 
  1. Prerequisites for entering the course: none
  1. Learning outcomes of the subject:

Students after finishing the course will be able:

  1. to explain key theories of career development and main steps in making career decisions;
  2. to understand personal branding and develop a brand for their career through effective media content use;
  3. create written products focused on the creation of an informative text complementing the emphasis on visualization and creativity;
  4. to explain the importance of emotional intelligence in career design and apply key strategies of stress management in their further careers.

7. Course plan:

No.Titles of the main topics Synchronous activities,hoursAsynchronous activities,hoursTotal, hours
1.Introduction to the course.22
2.The definition of career.  Career Development Theories. Making career decisions. 358
3.Communication and public relations concept.2
4.Personal branding: Theory, practice and examples.4
5.Content creating for mass media: practical activities. 246
6.Test I (from topics 2, 3, 4, 5)156
7Emotional intelligence, career designing and stress management. 3
8.Wellbeing and work-life balance. Applying stress-management methods.4
9.Test II (from topic 7, 8).134
10.Self-study assignment: Final project (Detailed in item Nr. 8).51520

8. Self-study assignment(s): 

A group of four students chooses a famous person and analyses their career design according to the following criteria:

  1. the key career development theories;
  2. dissemination of information relevant to career design on social networking platforms, free e-media channels:
    1. their personal image (worldview, lifestyle, career storytelling)
    2. reputation (stakeholder opinions, reactions)
  3. provides the main recommendation that would most effectively help manage stress in career designing and daily life

9. Assessment system of students’ achievements: cumulative assessment:

Final mark = Test I (30 % of final mark) + Test II (20 % of final mark) + Final project (50 % of final mark).

10. Course provider: Kaunas University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania