RDI projects


Project Information

NameEnergy Cluster North Savo
ContactPetteri Heino
DescriptionThe energy industry is facing major changes. There is global pressure to increase renewable and clean forms of energy, while trying to decrease the use of fossil energy. A significant network of companies in the energy sector operates in the North Savo and especially in the Central Savo region. The technology and energy technology industry is the largest industrial sector in North Savo in terms of economic importance, and it has been defined as one of the top areas of development in the provincial plan of North Savo.

The project's target group is companies in the energy and technology sector of North Savo province, as well as SMEs that provide services to them. The target group is also energy-intensive operators who use a lot of energy in their production or business.

With the help of the project and the North Savo energy cluster, the change of the energy system is promoted and companies are supported to develop their products, services and business so that they are even better able to respond to this change. Companies' efforts to reduce energy costs, increase resource efficiency and increase the share of renewable energy are also supported.

Through the project and cluster activities, cooperation and know-how are increased, which supports the introduction of new technology and the utilization of the opportunities it offers in companies. The cluster enables more effective R&D activities based on the needs of the business world, as well as cooperation between educational organizations and research institutes and with companies. By strengthening the operation of the energy cluster, the strengthening of an attractive concentration of expertise and international networking are also supported.
PartnersPäähankkeen toteuttaja on Navitas Kehitys oy. Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu ja Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä ovat osahankkeiden toteuttajia.
Yhteistyökumppaneina hankkeessa ovat yritykset.
Hankkeen päärahoittaja on Pohjois-Savon liitto.

Hankkeen kohderyhmänä ovat Pohjois-Savon maakunnan energia- ja teknologia-alan yritykset sekä niille palveluja tuottavat pk-yritykset. Kohderyhmänä ovat myös energiaintensiiviset toimijat, jotka käyttävät tuotannossaan tai liiketoiminnassaan paljon energiaa.

Hankkeen välilliset kohderyhmät ovat:
Yritysten ja yritysten sidosryhmien työntekijät
- Alueen muut oppilaitokset ja TKI ympäristöt
- Julkiset toimijat, yhdistykset ja ja muu yhteistyöverkosto (mm. energiateollisuus ry, oppilaitosverkostot jne.)
- Kehittämisorganisaatiot
- Hanketoimijat Pohjois-Savossa ja Itä-Suomessa
- Kansainväliset verkostotoimijat
- Rahoittajatahot
Funded byEAKR FR 40% 2021-27 palkkojen yksikkökust.malli