RDI projects


Project Information

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NameTogether for Inclusion - Mieliteko 2.0
ContactTanja Moilanen
DescriptionTogether for Inclusion – Mieliteko 2.0 project aims to promote the ability to act and work and inclusion of individuals aged 16-64, who are unemployed, outside of working life, and otherwise at a vulnerable position in Northern Savo. In addition, the purpose is to promote mental well-being, reduce loneliness, and prevent social inequality.

The main objectives of the project are:1) To strengthen the mental well-being and abstinence from the substances of the people of Northern Savo, which promotes the ability to work and function.2) To develop the competence to promote mental well-being in a citizen actor-oriented manner in cooperation with networks.3) To promote the operation of citizen-based communities as a support source for individuals. This promotes individual empowerment, active participation and inclusion towards education and work.4) To support the welfare and health promotion work of the third sector, municipalities, and the local well-being services county.

The project consists of five measures, planned and implemented in collaboration with target group and partners to meet the requirements of their current needs. In measure 1, group activities for the promotion of agency and inclusion will be executed in multi-agency collaboration and working models for the support of inclusion are developed. Measure 2 focuses on group activities (including digital environments) for the adolescents, to support their agency, inclusion and abilities to study and work. In measure 3, long- and short -term group activities for the promotion of lifestyles will be implemented with participatory methods in a participant- oriented manner. Targeted activities are organized for immigrants and people belonging to groups with disabilities. Measure 4 focuses on the networks and continuous monitoring and evaluation. Targeted communication will be conducted in collaboration with measure 5. In this measure targeted and public communication will be implemented.

As a result, participants’ mental well-being and inclusion strengthens, and they will find new communities. Participants’ motivation and abilities for the everyday choices to promote mental well-being, their agency and abilities to act and work will strengthen. Working models for the support of inclusion will be developed, which are implementable in other contexts. Collaborates’ knowledge of the support of mental well-being and inclusion will deepen.

The project is part of the Mieliteko-program (began 2021). The aims and implementation of the Together for Inclusion are based on the knowledge gained at the previous program season. The project plan is based on the wide collaboration and information gathering with the agencies of the third sector and municipalities in North Savo.
- pohjoissavolaiset (16-64-vuotiaat) työttömät ja erityisesti haavoittuvassa asemassa ja työelämän ulkopuolella olevat, mm. mielenterveys- ja päihdeongelmista kärsivät ja riskiryhmään kuuluvat, muutoin heikommassa asemassa oelvat henkilöt, täsmätyökykyiset, lomautetut, nuoret, maahanmuuttajataustaiset ja vammaisryhmiin kuuluvat.

Hankkeesta hyötyvät myös
- kohderyhmän arjessa mukana olevat yksilöt ja toimijat
- kunnat ja kuntapäättäjät, hyvinvointialue, oppilaitokset, Leader-toimijat, muut mielenterveyttä ja hyvinvointi edistävät hankkeet

Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu oy (päätoteuttaja), Suomen Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu oy (osahankkeen toteuttaja), Kuopion kaupunki (osahankkeen toteuttaja)

Keskeiset sidosryhmät
Pohjoissavolaiset järjestö- ja yhdistystoimijat, kunnat, hyvinvointialue
Funded byESR+ FR 40% 2021-27 palkkojen yksikkökust.malli