RDI projects


Project Information

NameSustainable Growth for SMEs
ContactLauri Kerman
DescriptionThe field of responsibility and double transition (digital and green transition) is a broad and
partly still difficult concept for companies to grasp. The Sustainable Growth for SMEs project is
based on the observation that there is still a lot of uncertainty in the companies of Northern Savo
about what obligations and opportunities the double transition will bring to companies and their
business operations.
The demand for responsibility is seen more and more e.g. in public procurement, business
support and financing, and customer behavior. Regulation and requirements change fast and
can significantly affect the operations of companies. The realization of the digital transition
is threatened by legal uncertainties, which also require support. Customers' and consumers'
interest in sustainable products and services is also increasing.
The current economic and security situation also challenge companies in Northern Savo.
Companies must be aware, prepare and make the necessary changes in their operations. They
should move from merely slowing down problems and "less bad" solutions towards the role of
problem solvers. In addition, the planning of a sustainable business strategy and responsibility
for the future (ESG) must be a built-in part of the business planning of an SME.
The goal of this project is to increase the growth, profitability and competitiveness of SMEs in
the region. The project strengthens companies' change-thinking and innovative management,
updates SMEs' ability to utilize and turn sustainable business operations and double transition
into a competitive advantage. Companies' ability to innovate is increased by strengthening their
readiness to also utilize creative skills and thus multidisciplinary cooperation. The R&D intensity
of companies is increased in innovative and industry-oriented innovation activities that focus on
the goals of sustainable development and the carbon footprint.
The project's goals will be reached with measures implemented in the project's three work
packages. As a result of work package 1 (Responsibility basics for companies), more and more
SMEs operating in the province understand what responsibility and double transition mean in
practice, and what the obligations and opportunities they bring in the business of companies.

During work package 2 (Advanced phase/management support), companies are offered tools to
develop their own business responsibility. As a result of work package 3, companies know how
to apply work tools in the development of their own business so that responsibility is integrated
as part of their business. Work package 4 monitors and evaluates the implementation of the
project's measures.
As a result of the project, the SMES’ future related understanding of the region has improved
and innovation abilities towards responsibility has increased. Companies are running more
sustainable business development processes than at the present. The province's green
transition and digital transition have progressed. Companies know how to take into account
the double transition in their operations and in the development of their products and services.
Project activities also affect the carbon balance. In the longer term, the attraction and holding
power of companies in Pohjois Savo and the region will strengthen, and the entire province will
have even better opportunities to profile itself as a pioneer of sustainable development.
Savonia UAS’ LEAP project (Strengthening the competitiveness of growth-oriented SMEs)
has identified clear needs in dual transition and responsibility related change management in
companies. In Addition, the city of Kuopio has activated the development of companies' ability to
change and innovation culture as part of its 250th anniversary in 2025.
PartnersHankkeen toteuttaja on Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu.
Hankkeen kohderyhmään kuuluvat Pohjois-Savossa toimivat pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset niiden elinkaaren vaiheesta riippumatta. Hanke kohdistuu ensisijaisesti strategioissa tunnistettuihin kärkialoihin ja kehittämiskohteisiin kone- ja energiateknologiassa, metsäteollisuudessa, elintarviketeollisuudessa, hyvinvointiteknologiassa, matkailussa, älykkäässä vesijärjestelmässä ja biojalostuksessa, mutta myös muiden alojen, kuten luovien alojen yritykset huomioidaan osaksi hanketta.
Hankkeen sidosryhmiin kuuluvat Pohjois-Savon maakunnan eri yrityskehitys- ja rahoitustoimijat, kuten ELY-keskus, Pohjois-Savon Liitto, kehitysyhtiöt, ohjaus-, neuvonta- ja muut asiantuntijaorganisaatiot sekä kunnat ja kaupungit. Sidosryhmiin kuuluvat myös oman organisaation tutkimus- kehitys- ja innovaatiotoiminnan hankkeet sekä vastaavat hankkeet maakunnan muissa organisaatiossa.
Funded byEAKR FR 40% 2021-27 palkkojen yksikkökust.malli