RDI projects


Project Information

NameMining Water Competence Network
ContactEero Antikainen
DescriptionMining Water Competence Network - KaivosW project gathers together Finnish organizations active in mine water research, service providers, mines and authorities. The reason for this is that the effect of mine water to mine's economy, process, environmental impact and social acceptance can be reduced. Mine waters are extremely large topic whose thorough control is difficult or impossible by a single organization or small consortium. The consortium in this project only covers a small fraction of the Mining Water Competence Network members. The project coordinator is Geological Survey of Finland Eastern Finland Office and partners are National Institute for Health and Welfare, University of Eastern Finland, Savonia University of Applied Sciences and University of Oulu.

Mining Water Competence Network enhances possibilities of the mines, creates new business from mine water research, and seeks for new models of cooperation between organizations, research topics and suitable consortiums for these. In addition, the network promotes itself and its services, and organizes seminars, workshops and education. Through research and dissemination and communication of the research the networks tries to enhance the poor public image associated with mine waters. A full-time network coordinator will be hired to organize and run the network.

In addition to the network, the project includes pilot-scale research. The network has defined research topics in its meetings that are the most important to study at the early stage of the network. For this project the topics selected include water balance and process water control (leader GTK), enhancement of environmental and process monitoring (UEF), enhancement of thorough risk assessment (THL) and enhancement of water treatment technologies (Savonia).

In water balance and process water control work package cost-effective methods to enhance water balance estimation in groundwater in environmental impact assessment stage are tested and piloted. A study of process water control and alternative methodologies is ordered from an enterprise. The work package also includes a study of enhancement of inversion methods of tomography data in groundwater and groundwater formations. 30 electrical tomography equipment will be acquired for this.

In enhancement of environmental and process monitoring work package process water and effluent water on-line monitoring is enhanced through tomography measurements, organic process chemical transport and decay is studied using spectroscopic methods, measurement technologies are demonstrated on field and data analysis is enhanced.

In enhancement of thorough risk assessment work package risk assessment knowledge related to mine waters is gathered on open web-based platform. A new topic in the risk assessment is the microbiological effect in mine waters . In addition, a study of the effect in human exposure to sauna water contaminated by mining waters is done.

In enhancement of water treatment technologies work package metal, nitrogen and sulphate removal in mine water is enhanced using pilot-scale tests, measurement of heavy metals and thermodynamic modeling is studied, the effect of water treatment techniques to mine water microbiological quality is studied and the behavior of the overland flow areas in mining environments is studied.

The most important outcomes of the project are increase of mine water associated services, enhancement of quality and increase in cooperation and interdisciplinary studies in mine waters. Research work packages improve the mine water research in their topics. The aim is that the results of the studies are applied in mining sites by research partners or private enterprises.

The horizontal principles are taken into account in the project, especially in sustainable development. The studies in the project aim to the increase of sustainable use of water and through that to better environmental status, decrease in harmful water
PartnersKaivosVV -hankkeessa GTK toimii päähakijana Savonian, THL:n ja Itä-Suomen yliopiston toimiessa osatoteuttajina. Hanke tiivistää Kuopion tiedepuiston tutkimus- ja koulutusorganisaatioiden välistä yhteistyötä erityisesti kaivosten vesiturvallisuuteen liittyen. Lisäksi hanke edistää eri organisaatioiden profiloitumista huomioiden ko. organisaatioiden osaamisprofiilit sekä roolin tutkimuskentässä.
Funded byEAKR Flat Rate 2014-2020