RDI projects


Project Information

NameWellfare from Food
ContactAnssi Mähönen
DescriptionThe project helps food companies in North Savo to develop foodstuffs to health conscious peoplein Finland and to
international markel The project's focusis to develop R & D and product information processes to utilize the collected information of the process and science of food, health and nutrition. Co-operation and the learning of companies from each other will be supported in the project.

Another target group of the project is smaller food companies, as well as persons planning new food business.The aim of this is to create new innovative food companies and start-up-companies and to help companies to grow in their businesses.

The project is implemented provincial,so that the projectis managed by KehitysyhtiO Savogrow Oy and Savonia University of Applied Sciences and Navitas Kehitys Oy are partners. Savogrow is responsible for coordination of the project and has the main responsibility for product development and development of processes of product
development and product infonnation. Savonia produce analyses of food and consumer surveys, as well as support for international marketing. Navitas produces test marketing opportunities to companies and supports smaller companies
in product development, taking into account the regional retailand restaurant sector customers. The project participants are working closely together towards project goals, in order to promote the development of food companies, as well as to produce new foods to the well-being market.

The project's impact on equality has been evaluated and the project supports practices for sustainability.
Funded byEAKR Flat Rate 2014-2020