RDI projects


Project Information

NameLearning environment for BigData and IoT
ContactMikko Laasanen
DescriptionIn this project, a novel learning and R&D environment related to Big Data, industrial internet (loT, internet of things) and sensor technology will be implemented by the Savonia University of Applied Sciences. As a main aim, education capability of the Savonia will be matched with the needs of the Eastern Finland. Currently, loT and BigData are
obvious mega trends. For instance Master's degree students of the Savonia (who are typically employed), attendees of the specialization studies and attendees of the project events are beneficiaries of the project and, during the project, competence and expertise of the working personnel in question are enhanced. From an industrial point of view, Big Data and loT are improving operation revenue of the companies and this is taken into account in project operations. Data collection and data mining education can be effectively improved by performing pilot projects which are based on the needs of the working life and co-operation companies.

This project will enhance interaction between companies and technology education. loT and BigData related pilot project subjects are offered mainly by the local companies and, subsequently, realized by the ROI professionals, teachers and students of the Savonia. For example in the case of data collection, the operation model and technical implementation will serve all fields of industry (=uniform model) and, therefore, it can be easily exploited by the companies and Savonia in different upcoming R&D projects.
PartnersHankkeen päätoteuttaja on Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu. Mukana on yhdeksän yritystä.
Hankkeen varsinaiset kohderyhmät ovat:
- Savonia-amk:n opiskelijat ja työntekijät. Perusopiskelijat (tietotekniikka, tietoverkkotekniikka, laiteläheinen ohjemointi)
ja työlämässä olevat YAMK-opiskelijat sekä erikoistumiskoulutuksiin osallistuvat.
- Hankkeeseen osallistuvat muut julkiset toimijat (mm. Itä-Suomen yliopiston ja VTT:n tutkimusryhmät).
- Alueen yritysten edustajat (koulutuksiin hankkeen aikana ja hankkeen jälkeen osallistuvat, seminaareihin ja
ohjausryhmätyöskentelyyn osallistuvat)

Funded byESR Flat Rate 2014-2020