RDI projects


Project Information

ContactMarja Kopeli
DescriptionToteemi researches and develops practical models to combine work and higher education studies.

Many Finnish higher education students work in job positions matching their education already during their studies. However, work and studies do not always meet. How could workplaces make direct use of their experts‘ studies in workplace development? How could higher education institutions utilise students’ competence as part of the studies and enhance their graduation?


Toteemi development work will be implemented in three development packages. Each development package will form its own co-creating community for solution creation. Development packages will meet in project seminars. The higher education institutions are committed to create and disseminate solutions within the development package as well as between packages.

Flexibly at work

The subprojects in this development package will create studies independent of time and place by building flexible study paths and possibilities for year-round studying. Integration of learning and competence development outside higher education and studies will be studied as a part of the development package.

Competence from and to work

The subprojects of the development package are to develop interaction between work and higher education plus strengthen the students’ role in work- higher education co-operation and the development of work. As part of the development package, research-based information about student employment, career and entrepreneurship paths will be disseminated, work-related projects based on co-creation will be developed as well as involving alumni networks in competence assessment.

Wellbeing in learning at work

The goal of the development package is to develop work-based student guidance in co-operation with workplaces, student associations and unions. Challenges of student wellbeing and good guidance practices are mapped out as part of the development package. In addition, the possibilities offered by student communities ang tutoring are researched to enhance student guidance and wellbeing.


As a result of Toteemi, powerful structures and practices are created to strengthen the higher education students’ engagement in the job market, diversify workplace contacts in higher education and enhance the wellbeing of students. The solutions will cross boundaries between higher education and work and between higher education sectors and they will integrate students’ learning, work and employment, workplace innovation activities and renewal and business of compamies. Permanent operating models for student support, career counselling and workplace co-operation and have been created. Peer-to-peer evaluation and research -based approach equips the higher education institutions with up-to-date information about smooth progress of studies. The results on student feedback, graduation, study point accrual and employment will be followed.
PartnersOsahanke toteutetaan kiinteässä yhteistyössä sidosryhmien kanssa.
Ammattikorkeakoulujen ohjaushenkilöstö (tiedon tuottaminen ja hyödyntäminen)
Opiskelijat/opiskelijakunta Savotta (toimintamallien ja tulosten arviointi, palaute)
Alakohtaiset yritysedustajat neuvottelukuntien kautta (toimintamallien kehittäminen, arviointi)
Päijät-Hämeen suunterveydenhuollon organisaatiot
Ylä-Savon konealan yritykset, mm. Normet, Ponsse
Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu
Funded byOpetus ja kulttuuriministeriö