RDI projects


Project Information

NameEastern Finland biobank ecosystem
ContactAntti Kotimaa
DescriptionThe effective activity of biobanks is based on a large pool of samples, the connection of other health information and the diversified utilization of this information. To achieve this, citizens need to be more aware of the activities of the biobank, make it easier to give consents and thereby increase the sample pool. Finnish biobank data is attractive
internationally. Many customers want tailor-made and as ready and processed data as possible. Commercial
exploitation of biobanks requires also the versatile analysis and data processing of the samples to provide the
customers with analyzed and tailored information. This requires committed companies and other players to produce
these services and to build effective biobank services together. In addition, co-operation with other bio banks and
hospitals is also needed to gain more effectiveness and attractiveness. To ensure this, it is necessary to identify and
map out the right actors and to create an ecosystem that is built around the regional biobank.

The project defines the customer needs of bio banks as to how biobank data needs to be processed to make it more
attractive. This will determine what services and competence is needed around the biobank and map out key
businesses and other actors. The base of the ecosystem is built, where we create models for collaboration and service packages. In addition, via seminars, workshops and public actors we bring bio-banking activities and awareness to citizens.

The project will provide a wider awareness of the operations and benefits of the Biobank. This will increase the sample stock and increase the impact of biobank data. The service packages offered by the biobank ecosystem makes it easier to market and sell them and to help develop their business. In addition, the project tests collaboration models within the ecosystem operators. Building the base for the ecosystem gives a good foundation and a model that is taken forward.
Funded byEAKR Flat Rate 2014-2020