Vietnamese students in the lecture at the university.

Category: Internationality

Vietnamese students in the lecture at the university.

Experiences of Culturally Sensitive Teaching in Hanoi, Vietnam


We participated in an international Erasmus+ Credit Staff exchange at Hanoi.Read more

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Ihmisiä poseeraamassa kameran edessä.

The 360° Filming of the Professional Internship for Bachelor of Social Services (UAS) Students Began in Vietnam


An Erasmus+ Staff exchange took place in Hanoi, Vietnam, from September 6 to September 19,..

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Kaksi nuorta miestä katsoo kameraan hymyillen ja näyttää peukkua.

First-year students explore the campus with good vibes


Savonia campuses welcome new students.Read more

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Viisi henkilöä seisoo Kampussydämessä ja hymyilee kameralle.

The Ambassador of the Netherlands visited Savonia


Ulla Pekkarinen was appointed Honorary Consul on Tuesday by the Ambassador. Read more

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Erivärisiä sateenvarjoja roikkuu taivaalla.

Experiences from the summer school in Netherland


The theme of the summer school was health for the future.Read more

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Kuvistukuvassa taideteos, joka esittää terveydenhuoltohenkilöstöä.

Initiating the Future Health HUB Project


This article kicks off a series of publications detailing the progress of the three-year Future..

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Viherhuoneen rakentamista.

Summer Employees at Savonia’s Water Laboratory: A Diverse Experience


Summer employees enable pilots running in waterlab during summer. Trainees gain knowledge of water research..

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Pinkkejä kukkia etualalla, taka-alalla kevään 2022 valmistujaisissa..

Relevant learning and mental resilience – a business-focused university graduates people who change the world


Savonian degrees are highly employable. Employment rate of graduates is around 90 %.Read more

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Student project work: a partnership between businesses and educational institutions fosters economic growth in Eastern Finland

Student project work: a partnership between businesses and educational institutions fosters economic growth in Eastern Finland


Here's a good example of how companies can work with Savonias international students.Read more

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Nainen istuu valkoisella alustalla bleiseri päällä, rennosti käsi koukistetun polven päällä, hymyilee ja katsoo kameraan.

Kuopio is not just a city and Savonia is not just a university


Professor Kay Berkling from DHBW Ravensburg spent the whole week visiting Kuopio and Savonia. Read..

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