Kaksi ihmistä seisoo rinnakkain ja katsoo kameraan.

Category: RDI

Kaksi ihmistä seisoo rinnakkain ja katsoo kameraan.

Rapid Prototyping: The Power of 3D Printing and Arduino


Many companies face the problem of high engineering costs and long waiting times for projects..

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Opiskelijoita tekemässä ryhmätöitä.

Interview with Ruslan Biloskurskyi from ILCA project


In response to the challenges faced by the Ukrainian education sector amid the Russian invasion,..

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Ihmisiä lavalla ILCA-tapahtumassa.

Good practices of the ILCA project presented at the IVAP workshop in Prague


The EIT’s HEI Initiative 2023 Innovation Vision Action Plan (IVAP) Workshop was held on 31..

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Leipää voidellaan.

0% grain, 100% taste and freedom to choose


Taste, ​composition and nutritional content that cannot be found elsewhere. Ketoinen produces low-carbohydrate, fiber- and..

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Läppärin näytöltä ojentuu tetokoneella piirretty käsi, joka kättelee ihmiskättä. Kuva Pixabay.

Savonia Article: Utilization of Tacit Knowledge in Planning Sales and Marketing Courses


Tacit knowledge in teaching is accumulated over the years by working, in which case the..

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Ihmiset labratakeissa katsovat näytöllä olevia lääketieteellisiä kuvia.

Savonia Article: Digital competence in healthcare


Digitalization and the use of digital services have changed the healthcare sector in recent years...

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Seminaarissa ihmisiä situmassa screenin edessä.

Wartime climate work on display at the world’s largest humanitarian cooperation event


The project Innovation Laboratories for Climate Actions (ILCA) participated in the United Nations humanitarian cooperation..

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Bioanalyytikot käyttävät mikroskooppia.

Savonia Article: Covid-19 pandemic increased psychological burden and stress among nurses


Based on the results of the descriptive literature review thesis, it was found that Covid-19..

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Sininen robottikäsi.

Savonia Article: Safe Zone Application with Arm Robot over 5G network


In recent years, the use of robots has increased in various fields. With the help..

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Figure 1: Savonia excavator robot.

Savonia Article: Control of an excavator robot with VR glasses through 5G network


The remote control of heavy and risky construction machines such as excavators has always been..

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