
Vuonna 2022 alkavat ja sitä aiemmat koulutukset
Savonian uuden opinto-oppaan (2023 ja tämän jälkeen alkavat koulutukset) löydät täältä.
Lähtökohdat | Osaamistavoitteet | Opintojen rakenne | Asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen | Toteutus | Opintojaksotaulukko |
VALINNAISET21 Valinnaiset opinnot / Optional Courses, academic year 2021-2022
Course Description
Code | 4 JOAMALA |
Name | Market Launch |
Credits | 5 cr |
Credits in Foreign Language | 5 cr |
Objectives | Do you have an idea about the product or service that you would like to prepare for launch? This course prepares for launch of a new business. It will help to verify the feasibility of an idea, and speed-up the actual start. You will learn to prepare actions for customer acquisition and customer engagement, identify key partners and forms of co-operation, and assess the profitability of potential business through key figures. The course is also suitable for continuing business experiments. |
Content | The work focuses on designing business model for market entry: - customer acquisition and customer engagement - key business functions - key partners - cash flow and profitability - decision-making |
Requirements | Learning diary, final report and presentations Independent virtual and project work, workshops, visitors and reviews. It is also possible to complete the course virtually. |
Grading Scale | 0 - 5 |
Course material | To be confirmed during the course |
Prerequisites | Completion of courses "Business Opportunity Recognition" and "From Idea to Business Concept" or equivalent knowledge and skills and stage of the business idea. |
Other considerations | |
Contact | Kauppinen Marja |
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