
Vuonna 2022 alkavat ja sitä aiemmat koulutukset

Kulttuuriala, Muotoilu
Kulttuuriala, Musiikki ja Tanssi
Matkailu- ja ravitsemisala
Sosiaali- ja terveysala, Iisalmi
Sosiaali- ja terveysala, Kuopio
Tekniikan ala, Kuopio
Tekniikan ala, Varkaus
Liiketalouden ala, Kuopio
Savonian monialaiset opinnot
Savonian valintakurssit

Savonian uuden opinto-oppaan (2023 ja tämän jälkeen alkavat koulutukset) löydät täältä.

Basis of Education Competence Standards Structure of Studies Development of Expertise Methods and implementation Course Table

TNE22SP Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing

Course Description

NameInternship: Paediatric and Family Nursing Practice
Credits10 cr
Credits in Foreign Language10 cr
ObjectivesThe student is able to
-apply the ethical guidelines and legislation related to children’s rights and paediatric nursing
-consider child orientation and the cultural aspect in his or her nursing work
-apply evidence-based information on children’s and adolescents’ growth and development, the factors influencing them and on family nursing and childhood diseases
-analyse children’s and adolescents’ health problems and threats as well as to plan children’s and adolescents’ care in compliance with the nursing process
-care for children and adolescents and mentor the patient and the family
-perform the required calculations for paediatric medical treatment and fluid therapy and dose the medication and provide medical treatment and fluid therapy safely under guidance
-provide resource-oriented family nursing care
-assess and develop his or her paediatric nursing skills in accordance with the course assessment criteria
-work in teams and assume responsibility for his or her work
ContentPlay and creativity as part of paediatric nursing (skills workshops).Children’s acute cases and resuscitation of infants and toddlers (skills workshops). Primary care for new-born babies and infants (skills workshops). Parenting support (skills workshops). Special features of paediatric nursing and related legislation and ethical basis. Children’s and adolescents’ growth and development and their impact on the needs of the children and adolescents. Children’s and adolescents’ nutrition. Family nursing: parents’ and siblings’ reactions to a child’s illness, the resources of the family. Children’s medical treatment and fluid therapy, medicine dosage and paediatric drug calculations. Assessment of children’s and adolescents’ pain and fear, different pain treatment methods. Play as part of paediatric nursing. Different paediatric nursing practices, resuscitation of an infant and a toddler, multi-professionalism and team work.
RequirementsInternship in different operational environments for children and adolescents and participation in skills workshops/simulations and in possible study visits. Reflection on skills on a blog. Updating the PSP. The course can also be completed during international exchange.
Grading ScalePassed - 0
Course material
PrerequisitesNursing Assessment and Interventions, both theory and internship, Nursing Assessment and Interventions, Clinical Skills, Basics of Pharmacological Treatment, Medical Nursing, both theory and internship, Perioperative Nursing, both theory and internship. Before the clinical internship begins: Theory course of Paediatric and Family Nursing must be passed apart from the drug calculations. However, student must have participated Paediatric Nursing drug calculation test. Additionally, skills workshops of Paediatric and Family Nursing Practice course must be completed.
Other considerations Possible travel and/or housing expenses
ContactHuuskola Katri

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