
Vuonna 2022 alkavat ja sitä aiemmat koulutukset

Kulttuuriala, Muotoilu
Kulttuuriala, Musiikki ja Tanssi
Matkailu- ja ravitsemisala
Sosiaali- ja terveysala, Iisalmi
Sosiaali- ja terveysala, Kuopio
Tekniikan ala, Kuopio
Tekniikan ala, Varkaus
Liiketalouden ala, Kuopio
Savonian monialaiset opinnot
Savonian valintakurssit

Savonian uuden opinto-oppaan (2023 ja tämän jälkeen alkavat koulutukset) löydät täältä.

Basis of Education Competence Standards Structure of Studies Development of Expertise Methods and implementation Course Table

EF19SP Bachelor Degree Programme in Information Technology (Internet of Things)

Course Description

Code4 EFA8040
NameData Management and SQL
Credits5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language5 cr
ObjectivesYou understand principles of relational database design and their mechanics
You are familiar with Database Management Systems and areas of usage
You are able to create database design diagrams and implement them to real databases
You are able to use graphical and shell based Database Management Systems
You are able to utilize databases as part of information system
ContentData management concepts
Designing relational databases
Concept analysis and Entity Relationship-diagrams (ER-diagrams)
Data models
Basics of SQL language
Database Management Systems (eg. MariaDB)
Steps to database based application development
RequirementsExercises and exam.
Grading Scale0 - 5
Course materialElectronic materials will be announced at the start of the course
Other considerations
ContactKellomäki Markku

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