
Vuonna 2022 alkavat ja sitä aiemmat koulutukset

Kulttuuriala, Muotoilu
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Sosiaali- ja terveysala, Iisalmi
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Liiketalouden ala, Kuopio
Savonian monialaiset opinnot
Savonian valintakurssit

Savonian uuden opinto-oppaan (2023 ja tämän jälkeen alkavat koulutukset) löydät täältä.

Lähtökohdat Osaamistavoitteet Opintojen rakenne Asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen Toteutus Opintojaksotaulukko

ES20KM Sähkötekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma (monimuotototeutus)

Course Description

Code4 ESA8130
NameElectric Power Distribution
Credits5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language5 cr
ObjectivesThe main objective of this power distribution course is to learn the structure, components and planning principles of the Finnish electric power distribution network. The modelling of the network gives the planning tools for the calculation of the load flow and short circuit currents, as standards and recommendations require. Based on this knowledge, the student learns the planning principles, both technical and economical!
ContentTo meet the learning objectives of the course, teaching will be implemented according to the following content:
- The power systems in Finland
- The components in the electric power distribution network
- The standards and recommendations in grid design
- Load flow and short circuit calculations
- Over current and short circuit protection
- Earthing and grounding
- Technical and economical grid design
- Documentation
- Laboratory exercises

The teaching and learning language is English. The course includes English language training tutorials worth 1 credit. The topics of these tutorials are:
- Professional vocabulary
- Writing and presenting in English
- Understanding the documentation written in English
RequirementsThe course includes exams and exercises
Grading Scale0 - 5
Course materialLearning material in Moodle.
Other considerationsOpintojakson nimi suomeksi: Sähkönjakeluverkot
ContactRouvali Juhani

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