
Vuonna 2022 alkavat ja sitä aiemmat koulutukset

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Savonian monialaiset opinnot
Savonian valintakurssit

Savonian uuden opinto-oppaan (2023 ja tämän jälkeen alkavat koulutukset) löydät täältä.

Lähtökohdat Osaamistavoitteet Opintojen rakenne Asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen Toteutus Opintojaksotaulukko

ES20KM Sähkötekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma (monimuotototeutus)

Course Description

Code4 ESA8360
NameControl of Electrical Drives
Credits5 cr
Credits in Foreign Language5 cr
ObjectivesThe main objective of this course is to learn the topologies of the electric drive control systems and see the frequency converter drives as a part of automation system.

The student can separate the frequency converter motor control and application control and the differences between them. The student is able to select a suitable application and make required parameter settings to modify the drive performance. The student knows the main principles of application software modification to design the specified drive operation.

The student knows and is able to configure the essential fieldbus based automation solutions for drive control.
ContentStructure of the electric drive control system:
- motor control principles scalar, vector and direct torque control
- application software, macros and control parameters

Automation system in drive control:
- distributed automation system
- fieldbus and I/O interface configuration
- automation system HMI as electrical drive operator interface

Hands on training:
- frequency converter commissioning and parameter settings
- interface configuration
- drive control PLC application design and implementation including functional tests
RequirementsThe assessment is based on theory part exam and exercises. In addition to these the course includes design and hand on configuration teamwork exercises.

Hand on training and exams require attendance at classes.
Grading Scale0 - 5
Course materialLearning material announced and deliverd during the course.
PrerequisitesProgramming of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machines, Electronics, Basics of Digital Control, Basics of PLC
Other considerationsHuom! Monimuotoryhmän toteutus integroidaan päiväopetukseen.
ContactIjäs Jari

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