
Vuonna 2022 alkavat ja sitä aiemmat koulutukset

Kulttuuriala, Muotoilu
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Savonian monialaiset opinnot
Savonian valintakurssit

Savonian uuden opinto-oppaan (2023 ja tämän jälkeen alkavat koulutukset) löydät täältä.

Lähtökohdat Osaamistavoitteet Opintojen rakenne Asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen Toteutus Opintojaksotaulukko

TB22SP Bioanalyytikon tutkinto-ohjelma


Koodi4 TBKLEM9
NimiClinical Practice: Clinical Chemistry
Nimi englanniksiClinical Practice: Clinical Chemistry
Laajuus5 op
OsaamistavoitteetUpon completing the course, the student
- can conduct basic studies of clinical chemistry in accordance with the clinical laboratory test process
- knows the structure of organization and operation of clinical chemistry department
- can use information technology as a part of laboratory test process
- knows the concepts of clinical chemistry and can explain the basics of the studies and their areas of use
- can evaluate the quality of a whole clinical process
- can work safely in a clinical chemistry laboratory and take into account ethical principles
- understands clinical chemistry laboratory tests as part of patient care
- can evaluate own working as a part of team work

- immunological methods in clinical laboratory
Keskeiset sisällöt- practice training based on the course content of expertise field (see above)
- training in the hospital laboratory
- structure of organization and operation of clinical chemistry department
- customer service
- basic studies of clinical chemistry
- methods of clinical chemistry
- quality management
- patient and occupational safety
- information technology
- working ergonomy
Suoritustavat- participation in practice (students are 3 weeks in clinical chemistry laboratory)
- description of staring level
- self-evaluation and feedback discussion
ArviointiasteikkoHyväksytty (S) - 0
MateriaaliLiterature used in prerequisite studies and literature used to broaden and deepen the topics of the practice
Edeltävät opinnotTheory lectures and practical training in UAS
Muuta huomioitavaaEvery student has to do 3 weeks training in the department of clinical chemistry in Central or University hospital.
YhteyshenkilöSaukkonen Mirja

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